Behold, the Mountain of the Lord


Behold, the Mountain of the Lord


1. Behold, the mountain of the Lord

In latter days shall rise

On mountaintops, above the hills,

And draw the wond’ring eyes.

To this shall joyful nations come;

All tribes and tongues shall flow.

“Up to the hill of God,” they’ll say,

“And to his house we’ll go.”

2. The rays that shine from Zion’s hill

Shall lighten ev’ry land;

The King who reigns in Salem’s tow’r

Shall all the world command.

Among the nations he shall judge;

His judgments truth shall guide;

His scepter shall protect the just

And quell the sinner’s pride.

3. No strife shall rage, nor hostile feuds

Disturb those peaceful years;

To plowshares men shall beat their swords,

To pruning hooks their spears.

No longer host encount’ring host

Shall crowds of slain deplore;

They’ll hang the trumpet in the hall

And study war no more.

4. Come, then, O house of Jacob, come,

To worship at His shrine,

And, walking in the light of God,

With holy beauties shine.

Come, then, O house of Jacob, come,

To worship at His shrine,

And, walking in the light of God,

With holy beauties shine.

Text: Michael Bruce, 1746–1767, adapted

Music: Leland B. Sateren, 1913–2007. Tune and setting copyright Augsburg Publishing House. Used by permission. Making copies without written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited.

Isaiah 2:2–5

Micah 4:1–7
