undefined undefined Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel (Religion 250)
Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel (Religion 250)

“Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel (Religion 250)” Institute Elevate Learning Experience (2016)

“Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel,” Institute Elevate Learning Experience

Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel (Religion 250)

Jesus Christ


  1. What can I learn from the Savior about obeying the will of Heavenly Father?

    Your response should include:

    • Teachings or examples from the Savior’s eternal ministry that illustrate His obedience to Heavenly Father.

    • How Jesus’s obedience to Heavenly Father relates to your own discipleship.

    • Why the Savior’s example of obedience is important to you and how He can help you take the steps you need to strengthen your discipleship.

    • How the Savior’s example of obedience helps you obey the will of Heavenly Father.

  2. Why do I need the Savior?

    Your response should include:

    • The main obstacles we must overcome because of our fallen state.

    • How the Savior’s various roles throughout His eternal ministry help Heavenly Father’s children overcome these obstacles.

    • What we need to do to accept and invite the Savior’s help.

    • At least one way that you have felt the divine help of the Savior in your life in overcoming challenges and obstacles.

  3. What have I learned in this course about Jesus Christ and the everlasting gospel that has blessed my life?

    You may build on or connect ideas from your previous responses or write about a new topic.

    • In one or two sentences, state the doctrine you have learned.

    • Explain this doctrine using examples from the scriptures or words of the prophets.

    • Share how the teachings, example, or Atonement of the Savior have blessed your life.

    • Write your testimony of what you have learned about Jesus Christ and the everlasting gospel.

Key Points of Doctrine

The following information has been compiled using the key points within the lessons for this course. The numbers in parentheses that follow the quotations indicate the lesson number in the Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel Teacher Manual (2015) where the statement can be found. Compare your response with the information below. If there is a key point of doctrine from this review that you did not include in your answer, consider revising your response before submitting it. You do not need to copy this information verbatim into your response; just make sure that you understand these doctrines and communicate that understanding. Because question 3 requires a more personal response, there are no key points for that question.

  1. What can I learn from the Savior about obeying the will of the Father?

    Teachings or examples from the Savior’s ministry that illustrate His obedience to Heavenly Father:

    • “Jehovah was chosen from the very beginning. One reason Jehovah was chosen is that He sought to do the Father’s will and to give all glory to the Father” (2).

    • “Though sinless, [Jesus Christ] was baptized to fulfill all righteousness” (8; “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” Ensign or Liahona, Apr. 2000, 2).

    • “The plan of salvation required Jesus to be perfectly obedient in order to perform the Atonement” (9).

    • “I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me … ; for I do always those things that please him” (John 8:28–29).

    How Jesus’s obedience to the Father relates to your own discipleship:

    • “Like the Savior, we fulfill righteousness when we submit to the ordinances and covenants of the everlasting gospel” (8).

    • “Being a disciple of Jesus Christ requires obedience and sacrifice. … Discipleship requires our sustained willingness to forsake all and follow Jesus Christ” (10).

    • “We can gain strength to overcome temptation and to be obedient as we follow Jesus Christ’s example of seeking to do the Father’s will instead of our own” (9).

  2. Why do I need the Savior?

    The main obstacles we must overcome because of our fallen state:

    • “We all experience spiritual death, being separated from the presence of God, and we are all subject to temporal death, which is the death of the physical body (see Alma 42:6–9; D&C 29:41–42)” (True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference [2004], 15).

    • “In our fallen state, we are subject to opposition and temptation. When we give in to temptation, we distance ourselves from God (see Romans 3:23)” (True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference, 15).

    How the Savior’s various roles throughout His eternal ministry help Heavenly Father’s children overcome these obstacles:

    • “Jehovah created the earth to provide a place where God’s children could live and progress toward eternal life” (4).

    • “As the Only Begotten Son of God in the flesh, Jesus Christ was able to perform the Atoning sacrifice, which required Him to endure more than a mortal person could, and thereby fulfill His role in the Father’s plan” (7).

    • “Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can receive comfort and strength through the Holy Ghost to endure ‘pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind’ (Alma 7:11)” (16).

    • “Because of the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, all who are born into mortality will be resurrected” and brought back into the presence of God to be judged (19).

    • “While in the world of spirits, Jesus organized the work of salvation for the dead” (18).

    • “Jesus Christ is our Advocate with the Father” (24).

    • “The Savior will judge us according to our words, thoughts, and deeds, and the desires of our hearts” (26).

    What we need to do to accept and invite the Savior’s help:

    • “We can overcome Satan by relying on Jesus Christ, who worked out the Atonement, and by bearing and being true to our testimony” (3).

    • “By choosing to place the Savior at the center of our lives while we are here on earth, we will obtain greater blessings in eternity” (2).

    • “If we partake of the sacrament prayerfully and in a repentant spirit, we can receive a remission of sins, just as we did when we were baptized” (15).

    • “As we accept Jesus Christ and make and keep covenants to obey God’s commandments, we become begotten sons and daughters of Christ” (24).