undefined undefined Teachings of the Living Prophets (Religion 333)
Teachings of the Living Prophets (Religion 333)

“Teachings of the Living Prophets (Religion 333)” Institute Primary Electives Student Readings (2016)

“Teachings of the Living Prophets (Religion 333)” Student Readings

Teachings of the Living Prophets (Religion 333)

Student Readings

Note to students: You are not required to read any of the suggested materials that are not available in your language.

Lesson 1: Our Need for Living Prophets

Lesson 2: The Living Prophet: The President of the Church

Lesson 3: Succession in the First Presidency

Lesson 4: The Quorum of the First Presidency

Lesson 5: The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Lesson 6: General Conference

Lesson 7: Studying General Conference Addresses

(For the second half of the term, students will choose talks from the most recent general conference published in either the May or November issue of the Ensign or Liahona magazine.)