undefined undefined The Book of Isaiah (Religion 390R)
The Book of Isaiah (Religion 390R)

“The Book of Isaiah (Religion 390R),” Institute Student Readings (2018)

“The Book of Isaiah (Religion 390R)”

The Book of Isaiah (Religion 390R)

Note: You are not required to read any of the suggested materials that are not available in your language.

Lesson 1: The Prophet Isaiah and His World

  • 3 Nephi 23:1–5.

  • Old Testament Student Manual: 1 Kings–Malachi, 3rd ed. (Church Educational System manual, 2003), 171–76.

Lesson 2: Understanding Isaiah

Lesson 3: Isaiah’s Vision of Ancient and Modern Judah and Jerusalem

Lesson 4: Punishment and Redemption of the Lord’s Vineyard

Lesson 5: The Calling of Isaiah

Lesson 6: A Stone of Stumbling

Lesson 7: The Prince of Peace and King of Kings

Lesson 8: A Rod, a Stem, and a Root

Lesson 9: A Revelation concerning Babylon

Lesson 10: A Revelation to the Nations

Lesson 11: The Hope of Israel

Lesson 12: The Sure Foundation

Lesson 13: A Marvelous Work and a Wonder

Lesson 14: The Lord Can and Will Deliver Us

Lesson 15: The Restoration and the Second Coming

Lesson 16: On Whom Dost Thou Trust?

Lesson 17: The Lord’s Blessing and Warning to Hezekiah

Lesson 18: Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

Lesson 19: A Light to the Gentiles

Lesson 20: I Am the Lord, and beside Me There Is No Savior

Lesson 21: Chosen in the Fire of Affliction

Lesson 22: The Messiah Shall Come

Lesson 23: I Am Thy God, and Thou Art My People

Lesson 24: Wounded for Our Transgressions

Lesson 25: An Everlasting Covenant

Lesson 26: Turning from Our Own Will to God’s

Lesson 27: The Gathering of Israel

Lesson 28: So Will I Comfort You