undefined undefined Presidents of the Church (Religion 390R)
Presidents of the Church (Religion 390R)

“Presidents of the Church (Religion 390R),” Institute Student Readings (2018)

“Presidents of the Church (Religion 390R)”

Presidents of the Church (Religion 390R)

Chapter 1: Joseph Smith—First President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual (Church Educational System manual, 2013), 1–5, 15–19.

Chapter 2: Brigham Young—Second President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 21–25, 30–33.

Chapter 3: John Taylor—Third President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 41–43, 54–57.

Chapter 4: Wilford Woodruff—Fourth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 59–64, 69–72.

Chapter 5: Lorenzo Snow—Fifth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 77–80, 92–93.

Chapter 6: Joseph F. Smith—Sixth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 95–98, 106–11.

Chapter 7: Heber J. Grant—Seventh President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 113–20.

Chapter 8: George Albert Smith—Eighth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 131–35, 138, 145.

Chapter 9: David O. McKay—Ninth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 147–49, 153–60.

Chapter 10: Joseph Fielding Smith—Tenth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 165–66, 175–79.

Chapter 11: Harold B. Lee—Eleventh President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 181–82, 190–97.

Chapter 12: Spencer W. Kimball—Twelfth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 199–200, 205–15.

Chapter 13: Ezra Taft Benson—Thirteenth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 217–18, 224–27, 229–31.

Chapter 14: Howard W. Hunter—Fourteenth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 239–41, 246–47, 256–58.

Chapter 15: Gordon B. Hinckley—Fifteenth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 261–63, 268–73, 276–85.

Chapter 16: Thomas S. Monson—Sixteenth President of the Church

  • Presidents of the Church Student Manual, 287–89, 296–303, 306–10.