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Lesson 3 Class Preparation Material: Trusting Jesus Christ, Our Premortal Savior and Leader

“Lesson 3 Class Preparation Material: Trusting Jesus Christ, Our Premortal Savior and Leader,” Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material (2023)

“Lesson 3 Class Preparation Material,” Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material

Jesus teaching in the Grand Council

Lesson 3 Class Preparation Material

Trusting Jesus Christ, Our Premortal Savior and Leader

Although you don’t remember, your experience with Jesus Christ began long before you were born. That relationship and knowledge of Heavenly Father’s plan can bring purpose and meaning to your life on earth. Unit 2 will help you better understand the Savior’s pivotal role in the Grand Council in Heaven, in the Father’s plan of happiness, in the Creation, and in other accounts shared in the Old Testament. As you study the material from this lesson, think about how these truths can build your trust in Jesus Christ.

Section 1

How can the plan of salvation bring purpose and peace to my life?

Have you ever been lost in a forest, a large crowd, or a big city? What was your experience like?

a lost hiker

Just as you may have been lost in the forest or a big city, you may have felt or may one day feel lost about the meaning and purpose of your life. As you consider these feelings, ponder the following words by Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

Elder Robert D. Hales

I have often pondered the hopelessness of God’s children wandering in the dark and dreary world, not knowing who they are, where they came from, why they are here on earth, or where they are going after their mortal lives.

We need not wander. God has revealed eternal truths to answer these questions. …

… The plan of salvation is one of the greatest treasures of knowledge ever given to mankind because it explains the eternal purpose of life. (“The Plan of Salvation: A Sacred Treasure of Knowledge to Guide Us,” Ensign, Oct. 2015, 25–26)

Our Heavenly Father presented His plan of salvation in the Grand Council in Heaven. There we learned that if we would follow His plan, we could become like Him, return to His presence, and gain eternal life, which “is the greatest of all the gifts of God” (Doctrine and Covenants 14:7).

We also learned that the Father’s plan would require a Savior, who would make it possible for us to overcome physical and spiritual death. Heavenly Father chose Jesus to be that Savior (see Abraham 3:27).

President Thomas S. Monson testified:

President Thomas S. Monson

Essential to the plan [of salvation] is our Savior, Jesus Christ. Without His atoning sacrifice, all would be lost. (“The Perfect Path to Happiness,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 80)

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Ponder in Preparation for Class

How has your knowledge of the plan of salvation brought meaning or purpose to your life? If you feel uncertain about the purpose of your life, how might studying the plan of salvation and the Savior’s role in it help?

Section 2

Why in the premortal life did we accept Jesus Christ to be our Savior?

The Pearl of Great Price provides an interesting account of Abraham learning about planets and stars. Abraham saw that the governing and brightest star is called Kolob and is nearest to God’s presence (see Abraham 3:2–17).

Abraham also learned that just as there are differences between stars, there are differences between God’s spirit children. Some spirits are “more intelligent” than others, whereas the Lord God is “more intelligent than they all” (Abraham 3:18–19). (Note: Intelligence in this passage refers to light and truth an individual has obtained [see Doctrine and Covenants 93:28, 36].)

In this context, where Kolob represents Jesus Christ (see Abraham 3:3, 16), what does that teach us about Him?

Kolob depicted
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Study in Preparation for Class

Read Abraham 3:22–24, and look for what we can learn about our relationship to Jesus Christ in the premortal life. (Note: Intelligences in this passage refers to the spirit children of Heavenly Father.)

the Grand Council

Abraham learned that Kolob’s proximity to God made it “the greatest [star] of all … because it is nearest unto [Him]” (Abraham 3:16). So it is with us, as the children of God. Our intelligence, light, and glory will depend on our proximity to the Creator, Jesus Christ, who is “nearest unto the throne of God” and is “set … to govern all those which belong to the same order” (Abraham 3:2, 3).

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Ponder in Preparation for Class

How can knowing the premortal greatness of Jesus Christ inspire you to trust Him and draw closer to Him?

Section 3

How can Jesus Christ help me overcome evil influences around me?

At times, you may feel overwhelmed by Satan’s opposition as you strive to follow Jesus Christ and live His gospel. It may be helpful to remember that this is not the first time you have witnessed or experienced Satan’s evil influence.

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Study in Preparation for Class

Read Moses 4:1–4, and look for the difference between Satan and the Savior.

Satan’s rebellion started what is called in the book of Revelation the War in Heaven (see Revelation 12:7). It was fought between those who stood with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and those who opposed Them and chose to follow Satan.

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Study in Preparation for Class

Read Revelation 12:7–11, and consider marking in your scriptures how you overcame Satan and his followers in the premortal life. (Note: Adam was called Michael in the premortal life [see Guide to the Scriptures, “Michael,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org].) How might what you marked or thought about as you read apply to your continued battle with Satan here on earth?

President Gordon B. Hinckley said of this conflict:

President Gordon B. Hinckley

That war, so bitter, so intense, has never ceased. It is the war between truth and error, between agency and compulsion, between the followers of Christ and those who have denied Him. …

… It is waged in our own lives, day in and day out, in our homes, in our work, in our school associations. … We are all involved in it—child, youth, or adult, each of us. (“An Unending Conflict, a Victory Assured,” Ensign, June 2007, 6, 9)

Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt of the Young Men General Presidency offered a message of hope in our continued battle with evil:

Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt

Satan cunningly deceived a third part of Heavenly Father’s spirit children into letting him prevail instead of God. But not you! The Apostle John saw that you overcame Satan “by the word of [your] testimony” [Revelation 12:11]. …

… Knowing you overcame Satan by the word of your testimony before will help you love, share, and invite now and always—to invite others to come and see, come and help, and come and belong, as that same war for the souls of God’s children rages on. (“You Can Gather Israel!,” Liahona, May 2021, 61)

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Prayerfully consider how strengthening your faith in Jesus Christ and His gospel can help you overcome Satan and “withstand” his temptations (Alma 37:33). You could also identify an action you have taken (or could take) to help you overcome Satan’s influence in your life.