undefined undefined Lesson 20: The Savior Ministered to His ‘Other Sheep’
Seminaries and Institutes
Lesson 20: The Savior Ministered to His ‘Other Sheep’

“Lesson 20: The Savior Ministered to His ‘Other Sheep’” Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel Teacher Manual (2015)

“Lesson 20,” Teacher Manual

Lesson 20

The Savior Ministered to His “Other Sheep”


As witnessed in “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles,” the Savior “ministered among His ‘other sheep’ (John 10:16) in ancient America” (Ensign or Liahona, Apr. 2000, 3; see also 3 Nephi 11:1–17). As we study the Book of Mormon record of the Savior’s ministry, we learn how He ministers to His disciples in every nation and seeks to lift and nurture them one by one.

Background Reading

Suggestions for Teaching

John 10:14–16; 3 Nephi 15:16–21; 16:1–3

Jesus Christ taught the Jews about His “other sheep”

map of world

Display a globe or a map of the world, and invite a student to identify where Jesus Christ carried out His ministry among the Jews (the modern-day country of Israel in the Middle East). Ask students to turn to John 10 and skim several of the verses, looking for what Jesus taught about Himself and His relationship to those who follow Him. Ask them to report what they find. (Students should report that He is the Good Shepherd, He knows His sheep, they know His voice, He gathers them into His sheepfold, and so forth). Then invite a student to read John 10:14–16 aloud while the class follows along. Ask students:

  • What did the Savior say about His “other sheep”?

  • Who were the “other sheep” Jesus referred to?

Invite a few students to take turns reading aloud from 3 Nephi 15:16–21. Then ask:

  • What important truths did Jesus reveal to the Nephites about His “other sheep”? (One truth is that when Jesus spoke to the Jews about “other sheep,” He was referring to other people who followed Him, including Lehi’s descendants living on the American continent.)

  • Why didn’t the Jews in Jerusalem know about His “other sheep”?

Point out the Americas on the map, and then invite students to silently read 3 Nephi 16:1–3 and Mosiah 27:30. After sufficient time, ask:

  • Where else did the Savior say He would manifest Himself to His people?

  • Why is it important to know that the Savior would visit His “sheep” in other nations? (Clarify that although the Savior may have visited other people or nations in person, most often the Savior manifests Himself through the ministration of the Holy Ghost. Emphasize to students that by ministering to His sheep, Jesus was helping to fulfill His Father’s covenant to gather them back to His presence.)

Testify that Jesus Christ loves all of us and will manifest Himself to all who are numbered among His sheep. He seeks to gather all of Heavenly Father’s children, wherever they may be, back to the Father’s presence.

3 Nephi 11:8–17

Jesus Christ ministers to His followers individually

Read 3 Nephi 11:8–17 aloud, and invite students to follow along and imagine or visualize being present at the temple in the land of Bountiful. After you have read, ask students what impresses them most about the Savior’s words and actions in these verses. As needed, ask some or all of the following questions:

  • What do you think Jesus Christ wanted the multitude at the temple to learn about Him that day? (Among other truths, students should identify the following: The Savior ministers to His followers “one by one” [3 Nephi 11:15; see also 3 Nephi 17:21].)

Considering there were about 2,500 people in the multitude (see 3 Nephi 17:25), what does the Savior’s invitation to each person to feel the wounds in His side, hands, and feet teach us about His concern for each of us?

  • How does Jesus Christ’s invitation in 3 Nephi 11:14 apply to each of us today?

  • How do you think it would affect you to see and touch the Savior’s wounds?

For an example that illustrates the Lord’s interest in us individually, you might share the following experience, as told by Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Presidency of the Seventy:

Elder Ronald A. Rasband

“During the final months of our mission … , we experienced an event that taught once again this profound principle that each of us is known and loved by God.

“Elder Neal A. Maxwell was coming to New York City for some Church business, and we were informed that he would also like to have a mission conference. We were so pleased to have this opportunity to hear from one of the Lord’s chosen servants. I was asked to select one of our missionaries to provide the opening prayer for the meeting. I might have randomly picked one of the missionaries to pray, but felt to ponder and prayerfully select one whom the Lord would have me ask. In going through the missionary roster, a name boldly stood out to me: Elder Joseph Appiah of Accra, Ghana. He was the one I felt the Lord wanted to pray at the meeting.

“Prior to the mission conference, I was having a regularly scheduled interview with Elder Appiah and told him of the prompting that I had received for him to pray. With amazement and humility in his eyes, he began to weep deeply. Somewhat surprised by his reaction, I started to tell him that it was all right and he wouldn’t have to pray, when he informed me he would love to offer the prayer, that his emotion was caused by the love he has for Elder Maxwell. He told me that this Apostle is very special to the Saints in Ghana and to his own family. Elder Maxwell had called his father to be the district president in Accra and had sealed his mother and father in the Salt Lake Temple.

“Now, I didn’t know any of what I just related about this missionary or his family, but the Lord did and inspired a mission president on behalf of one missionary to provide a lifelong memory and testimony-building experience” (“One by One,” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 29–30).

Give students a moment to refer back to 3 Nephi 11:15–17. Then ask:

  • When have you felt that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know you personally?

  • What did the multitude at the temple do after receiving personal, individual witnesses of the Savior’s divinity?

Ask students if any of them would like to bear testimony of the Savior and the love they have felt from Him. Testify that although we haven’t physically touched the Savior’s hands and feet, He still ministers to us in a personal way. Encourage students to ponder how they might thank Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for the love they have personally felt from Them.

3 Nephi 11–28

The Savior ministered among the Nephites

To help students recognize other important aspects of the Savior’s ministry among the Nephites, give them several minutes to look through the chapter headings for 3 Nephi 11–28. Ask the class to identify and write down important elements of the Savior’s ministry among the Nephites. As students are searching, walk around the room and observe their findings. If any are struggling for answers, encourage them to look in one of the following passages (the words in parentheses are for teacher use only):

After sufficient time, invite students to share what they have found in their scripture search. As students explain the elements of the Savior’s ministry that they identified, consider using some or all of the following questions to further the class discussion:

  • What impact might this aspect of the Savior’s ministry have had on the people?

  • Why would it be helpful to recognize and study what Jesus Christ did as a leader or teacher?

Invite students to ponder the following question and write down their thoughts:

  • Considering what we have studied today, what do you feel Heavenly Father would have you do to follow Jesus Christ’s example in the way you minister to those around you, including strangers, family, friends, or those whom you serve in your Church calling?

Conclude by bearing testimony of the truths taught in class today.

Student Readings