“Protein,” Missionary Wellness: Nutrition (2023)
“Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly.”
Why protein?
Protein isn’t used just for your muscles. It provides the building blocks for every cell in your body. Protein food sources also contain vitamins and minerals that are necessary for bodily function and optimal health.
Including protein in each meal and snack will help you stay healthy, strong, and energized as you work and serve each day of your mission. Proper protein intake will also help you feel satisfied longer after a meal and will provide steady energy between meals.
What foods contain protein?
Try to get protein from a variety of sources every day. Protein can be found in both plant and animal foods, such as the following:
seeds (including quinoa)
fish and other seafood
meat such as beef, chicken, and pork
legumes such as beans (including chickpeas and soy) and lentils
nuts and nut butters.
Some protein sources are also high in saturated fat. In general, it’s healthier to choose lean proteins (such as chicken, turkey, or legumes) or those high in beneficial fats (such as salmon or other fatty fish, nuts, or seeds).
How much protein do I need?
How much protein is enough? A portion of protein is about the size of your palm.
It is recommended to eat at least three palm-sized portions per day. You may need between four to six portions per day depending on your gender, body size, and activity level. See the “Appropriate Amount” section for more specific recommendations.