undefined undefined Profession of Faith in God
Interfaith Relations
Profession of Faith in God

“Profession of Faith in God,” Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles (2021)

“Profession of Faith in God,” Muslims and Latter-day Saints

father and child praying

Profession of Faith in God

Faith in an omniscient and omnipotent God is a foundational belief of Muslims and Latter-day Saints. Both express their faith in God in thought, word, and action.


Muslims believe that Almighty God—“Allah”—is the Creator of all in the heavens and the earth. God sent messengers and prophets to guide and direct people. To become a Muslim, a person must testify, “There is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” This two-part profession of faith (shahada) in one God includes the belief that salvation and peace are to be found in submitting to God’s will as revealed in the Qur’an.

Latter-day Saints

Latter-day Saints believe that God—“Heavenly Father”—is the literal father of all human spirits. He loves and cares for all His children. The word saint refers to someone whose character has been changed through obedience to God. A Latter-day Saint’s expression of faith (testimony) is a personal conviction of belief in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ, whose Atonement and Resurrection make salvation possible for all humankind.