undefined undefined Physical Health
Interfaith Relations
Physical Health

“Physical Health,” Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles (2021)

“Physical Health,” Muslims and Latter-day Saints

family praying over meal

Physical Health

Muslims and Latter-day Saints promote physical health and spiritual growth through abstinence from certain foods and substances.


For Muslims, the Qur’an outlines food that is halal (lawful) or haram (unlawful). Among the unlawful foods are pork, pork products, alcohol, and any substance that may alter the body or mind. As such, many Muslims also avoid tobacco. Consuming meat is acceptable if the meat is sacrificed according to scriptural guidelines. For Muslims, these food laws are viewed as a sign of God’s care and concern for their well-being.

Latter-day Saints

For Latter-day Saints, modern-day revelation describes specific health practices and forbidden substances. This health code, referred to as the “Word of Wisdom,” encourages a diet of fruits and grains and to use meat sparingly. Latter-day Saints abstain from tobacco, alcohol, tea, coffee, drugs, or other substances harmful to the body or mind. They believe that obedience to this law brings great blessings of health and increased spiritual knowledge.