“Religious Diversity,” Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles (2021)
“Religious Diversity,” Muslims and Latter-day Saints
The scripture for Muslims: Qur’an
Religious Diversity
Muslims and Latter-day Saints share many common beliefs and values and have similar lifestyles. The teachings of both faiths encourage believers to:
Acknowledge the goodness that can be found in other religions,
Treat followers of other religions with tolerance and dignity, and
Recognize that religious diversity provides an opportunity to cooperate in improving the lives of individuals, families, and communities.
The scriptures for Latter-day Saints: Holy Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price
There are significant theological differences between the two religions, especially regarding the divinity of Jesus Christ and the need for living prophets. However, Muslims and Latter-day Saints continue to create and enjoy productive relationships by acknowledging the spiritual truth that each religion possesses and by fostering understanding and respect for each other.