Young Women
Getting Started

“Getting Started,” My Calling as a Young Women Class Presidency Member(2022).

“Getting Started,” My Calling as a Young Women Class Presidency Member.

My Calling as a Young Women Class Presidency Member

Getting Started

From the Young Women General Presidency

Young Women General Presidency

Dear Young Women class presidency member,

Congratulations on your new calling. We are grateful you said yes. We know that Heavenly Father knows and loves you. Your class and your ward need you as a leader; they need your energy and will look to your example. Have confidence in yourself and in the Lord. He will bless you as you do your best to serve Him and the young women in your class.

When you were set apart under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys, you were given authority to act in your calling (see General Handbook,, As you pray to your Father in Heaven and think about the young women in your class, you will receive revelation to guide you. When thoughts and impressions come, act upon them.

Look for the Lord’s hand in your service—it will be there. Share the blessings and miracles you see with your presidency and with your family. This is the Lord’s work (see Moses 1:39), and you are helping His precious daughters draw closer to Him. He will guide you and magnify your efforts as you give your time and love to the work.

We pray that you will discover great joy and peace as you serve the Lord.

With love,

Bonnie H. Cordon

Michelle D. Craig

Rebecca L. Craven

The Young Women General Presidency

You Are Not Alone

You have been called of God, and He will help you. You can pray to Him for guidance and reassurance. He will magnify your efforts in your calling and in other areas of your life. You will feel His love for you, for the young women you serve, and for their families.

The other members of your presidency, your adult Young Women leaders, other class and quorum presidencies, and the bishopric are all there to support you. Draw upon the talents and strengths of each other as together you serve and minister to the youth in your ward.

You can also turn to your parents, family, and other trusted adults. The Lord has and will surround you with people to help you succeed.

Young Women theme

Where to Start

Before You Are Sustained

  • Being called as a leader in Young Women is a sweet and sacred opportunity to see the young women in your class as Heavenly Father sees them. Read the Young Women theme (, and think about each person. Like you, they too are “beloved daughters.”

  • As you consider what Heavenly Father needs you to do as a leader, remember these two eternal principles:

    • “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).

    • “Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:63).

    The personal religious habits that have blessed your life—prayer, scripture study, and fasting—will be even more important to you as a leader.

  • Become familiar with the resources that are available to you in your calling:

    • Read “Young Women,” chapter 11 in the General Handbook, especially the sections on the purpose of the Young Women organization (see 11.1.1) and the responsibilities of your presidency (see 11.3.4).

    • Read the additional resources listed and linked at the end of this calling guide.

After You Are Sustained and Set Apart

  • Shortly after your presidency is set apart, a member of the bishopric will teach you your responsibilities (see “Quorum and Class Presidency Resources,”

  • As a presidency, counsel with your adult Young Women leaders. They are excited and want to help you. They will guide you as you learn to lead and unite your class.

  • Hold regular class presidency meetings. If you will meet weekly, you will see miracles in your service. You’ll find more about what to do as a presidency in the next section, “What Should I Focus On.”
