Getting Started

“Getting Started,” My Calling as a Young Women Class President (2020).

“Getting Started,” My Calling as a Young Women Class President.

My Calling as a Young Women Class President

Getting Started

From the Young Women General Presidency

Young Women General Presidency

Dear Young Women Class President,

We are so glad you accepted your call to serve as a class president. We know that Heavenly Father loves all of His daughters, and He loves you! He will bless you as you do your best to serve Him and the young women in your class.

This is an exciting time to serve in the Young Women organization. Our prophet, Russell M. Nelson, has asked you and your class members to actively participate in the work of salvation. Your time in the Young Women program is a time for you to:

  • Seek personal revelation and respond to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

  • Act on the doctrine you are learning and the covenant you made at baptism to follow God’s plan.

  • Minister to other young women with Christlike love.

  • Stand as a witness of God “at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9) as you help gather Israel and build the kingdom of God.

The Lord has called you as a class president because He has work for you to do. He trusts you to rely on Him for help as you serve your class. He loves you, and He will help you to feel His love for His precious daughters. Your love for the young women will touch their hearts, and they will be able to feel His love through you.

We know that this is the Lord’s work. He will guide you and magnify your efforts as you give your time and love to the work. We pray that you will feel joy and peace as you serve the Lord to the best of your ability.

With love,

Bonnie H. Cordon

Michelle D. Craig

Becky Craven

The Young Women General Presidency

You Are Not Alone

As you serve, you will feel that the Lord will be there to help you. Additionally, your counselors, secretary, and Young Women leaders will help you as you serve and minister to your class. As you seek the Lord’s guidance, He will magnify your efforts in your calling and in other areas of your life. You will feel His love for you, for the young women you serve, and for their families. You will feel great joy as you serve Heavenly Father’s precious daughters.

Where to Start

Before You Are Sustained

  • Seek guidance from the Spirit through prayer, scripture study, and fasting.

  • Read “Young Women,” chapter 11 in General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (, especially the purpose of the Young Women organization (see 11.1.1) and the Young Women theme (see 11.1.2). Also review chapter 4 in the General Handbook, which gives guidance on principles of leadership.

  • Seek to understand your responsibilities as a president and the responsibilities of your presidency (see General Handbook, 11.3.4).

After You Are Sustained and Set Apart

  • With so many responsibilities, remember that being an honorable young woman at home is your first priority.

  • Continue to pray for guidance about your service. Seek inspiration about how your counselors can share the responsibilities of your presidency.

  • Meet with your bishop for an orientation and instruction about your calling. (See “Quorum and Class Presidency Resources.”)

  • Meet with your Young Women leaders and the previous Young Women class president to learn about specific things you may need to follow up on.

  • Hold regular class presidency meetings. Work with your class secretary to prepare an agenda, and ask her to record notes and assignments. (See General Handbook, 11.3.4, and “Plan and Conduct Presidency Meetings” under “What Should I Focus On?”)

  • Attend ward youth council meetings. (See “Participate in Ward Youth Council Meetings” under “What Should I Focus On?”)

  • Get to know the members of your class. (See “Know and Minister to Each Young Woman in Your Class” under “What Should I Focus On?”)
