Sunday School: Gospel Doctrine
Lesson 3: ‘Unto You Is Born … a Saviour’

“Lesson 3: ‘Unto You Is Born … a Saviour’” New Testament Class Member Study Guide (1997), 3

“Lesson 3,” New Testament Class Member Study Guide, 3

Lesson 3

“Unto You Is Born … a Saviour”

Luke 2; Matthew 2

  • What were the circumstances of Jesus’ birth? (See Luke 2:7.) In what ways do people today refuse to make room for the Savior in their lives? What can you do to make room for him in your life?

  • Why did Jesus come to earth? (See 3 Nephi 27:13–16.)

  • What did the “wise men from the east” do when they found the child Jesus? (See Matthew 2:11.) What gifts can you offer to the Lord?

  • As a youth, Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). In other words, he developed intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially. What are some specific things you can do to grow intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially?

Suggestion for Family Discussion

Read lines from several hymns or Primary songs about Jesus’ birth, and invite family members to identify the hymns or songs. Sing one of the hymns or songs as a family, and discuss the importance of remembering Jesus’ birth throughout the year rather than just during the Christmas season.

Scripture Chain: Jesus’ Birth
