To help class members live in holiness and be a chosen generation.
Read, ponder, and pray about the following scriptures:
1 Peter 1; 2:1–10. Peter teaches that we must have faith and live in holiness. He teaches that the Saints are a chosen generation, called to show forth the praises of the Savior.
1 Peter 2:19–24; 3:13–17; 4:12–19. Peter teaches that we must follow the Savior’s example in enduring trials and persecution.
2 Peter 1. Peter exhorts us to partake of the divine nature and seek diligently to make our calling and election sure.
2 Peter 2–3; Jude. Peter and Jude warn against false teachers and those who deny the Second Coming. They exhort the followers of Christ to remain faithful.
Suggestion for teaching: Study each lesson well enough that you can teach it without looking too frequently at the manual. Knowing your material allows you to make eye contact with class members as you teach. Maintaining eye contact improves class members’ participation and behavior and helps you communicate your love and concern for them.
Suggested Lesson Development
Additional Teaching Ideas
The following material supplements the suggested lesson outline. You may want to use one or both of these ideas as part of the lesson.
In 1 Peter 1, what contrasts did Peter make between what is corruptible or perishable and what is incorruptible or everlasting? (See 1 Peter 1:4, 7, 18–19, 23–25. List class members’ responses on the chalkboard under two headings: Corruptible or Perishable and Incorruptible or Everlasting.) What can we learn from these contrasts?
Peter taught that Jesus was “foreordained before the foundation of the world” to be the Savior (1 Peter 1:20; see also Revelation 13:8). Why is this truth important? What do scriptures revealed in the latter days add to our understanding of the Savior’s foreordination? (See Moses 4:1–4; Abraham 3:27–28.)
What did Peter teach about the work of preaching the gospel to the dead? (See 1 Peter 3:18–20; 4:6.) When did Jesus go to the spirit world to organize the preaching of the gospel among the dead? (See D&C 138:27.) Why did he do this? (See D&C 138:29–37.) What does the Savior’s ministry in the spirit world reveal about God’s work? (Answers could include that because of God’s perfect justice and mercy, all people who have lived on earth will have an opportunity to accept the gospel and enjoy its full blessings.)
What counsel did Peter give Church leaders in 1 Peter 5:1–4? How can Church leaders “feed the flock of God”? (1 Peter 5:2; see 2 Peter 1:12–15; D&C 42:12–14). How have you been blessed by Church leaders who have followed this counsel?
2. “No … scripture is of any private interpretation” (2 Peter 1:20)
Read 2 Peter 1:20–21. What did Peter teach in these verses about the source of the scriptures? What did Peter teach about interpreting the scriptures? How can we ensure that we interpret scriptures correctly? (Answers may include by seeking out the inspired interpretations of Church leaders and by seeking the guidance of the Holy Ghost.) How have the teachings of Church leaders or the guidance of the Spirit helped you understand a particular scripture?