Doctrinal Mastery: Luke 2:10–12

Doctrinal Mastery: Luke 2:10–12

Jesus Christ Is Born as Savior and Lord

Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus

In a previous lesson, you studied an angel’s testimony to shepherds that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of the world (see Luke 2:10–12). This lesson will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of this doctrine as you apply principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to a real-life situation.

This doctrinal mastery lesson is designed to be taught after Luke 2:1–14, which is the contextual lesson for the doctrinal mastery passage Luke 2:10–12. If this lesson needs to be moved to a different week to accommodate school schedules, be sure to move the contextual lesson as well.

Teaching students the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. Students will better accomplish the purposes of doctrinal mastery if they understand the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge and are given opportunities to apply them. Consider briefly reviewing these principles in each doctrinal mastery lesson. It can be helpful to provide examples of how to apply the principles early in the year and then let students provide their own examples as they improve in their abilities.

Student preparation: Invite students to start memorizing the reference and key scripture phrase, Luke 2:10–12: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

Possible Learning Activities

Memorize and explain

Refer to the image of the Savior’s birth and the key scripture phrase for Luke 2:10–12. Associating an image with the reference and key scripture phrase can aid memorization.

Invite students to recite the scripture reference and key scripture phrase multiple times. This can be done individually or as a class.

Look at the image of the Savior’s birth and recite the reference and key scripture phrase for Luke 2:10–12: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Repeat until you feel confident that you can recite it from memory.

The following activity is intended to help students explain in their own words the doctrine that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, as taught in Luke 2:10–12.

Look at the image of the Savior’s birth. Write two or three sentences explaining why the event pictured here brought “good tidings of great joy … to all people” (Luke 2:10).

Invite willing students to share what they wrote. Listen carefully to students’ responses, and review material from the Luke 2:1–14 lesson as needed.

Practice application

Take a few minutes to review the principles in paragraphs 5–12 of the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2022). For each principle, mark at least one sentence that you feel explains the concept.

Invite a few willing students to share the sentences they marked. Consider asking follow-up questions that help students explain why they selected a particular sentence and what it means to them personally.

Consider the following situation:

One of your friends who is not religious recently saw a pair of missionaries talking with some people in the park. Your friend asked you, “Why do missionaries from your church go out and preach about Jesus? It seems like you’re trying to force your beliefs on other people. Why can’t you just let them be happy as they are?”

Keeping this situation in mind, study the following principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge and reflect on how they can help you answer your friend’s question.

Students could be divided into pairs or small groups to discuss the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge and how they could use these principles to respond to this scenario.

Consider using a three-part rotation to discuss the principles. Print and cut out the following segments so there are enough for each partnership or group to have one at a time. Allow students time to discuss their segment before asking them to trade papers with a neighboring group or partnership. When all groups or partnerships have discussed all three segments, invite students to respond to the scenario on their own.

Act in faith

“We act in faith when we choose to trust God and turn to Him first” (Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” paragraph 5).

  • What phrases do you find in paragraphs 5–7 of the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section that could help you in this scenario?

  • How can acting in faith help you as you seek an answer for your friend?

Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective

“To examine [concepts and questions] with an eternal perspective, we consider them in the context of the plan of salvation and the teachings of the Savior” (Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” paragraph 8).

Review Luke 2:10–12. Think about what this passage teaches along with what you already know about Jesus Christ.

  • What are the Savior’s roles in the plan of salvation?

  • Why is it important for those who do not yet know about Jesus Christ to learn of Him?

  • Why is it so important for us to share the message of His restored gospel with everyone, including other Christians who have already accepted Him?

  • How can you use the answers to the previous questions to respond to your friend?

Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources

To help us acquire spiritual knowledge, the Lord “has established sources through which He reveals truth and guidance to His children” (Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” paragraph 11).

Review one or more of the following inspired sources, looking for information that could help you answer your friend’s question.

Consider what these sources teach about how the Savior and His teachings can bring people joy.

  • What did you learn about the Savior and His teachings that could bring people joy in this life and in the life to come?

  • What personal experiences with the Savior or His teachings have brought you joy?

  • How can your answers to these questions help you answer your friend’s question?

Consider giving students an opportunity to role-play this scenario after discussing the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge.

Doctrinal Mastery Review

At the beginning or end of an upcoming lesson, spend no more than 3 to 5 minutes reviewing the doctrinal mastery passage. Display the image of the Savior’s birth used when students memorized Luke 2:10–12, and invite students to repeat the reference and key scripture phrase until they can do it from memory.

Supplemental Learning Activity

Alternate practice application scenario

Imagine that you posted a picture of the Nativity on social media with a message saying that you are grateful for the peace and joy that your knowledge of a Savior brings you. One of your friends who is not religious commented on your post saying, “Can’t people have peace and joy without Jesus?”
