Doctrinal Mastery Review 19

Doctrinal Mastery Review 19

Memorize References and Key Scripture Phrases

Remembering scripture passages and what is taught in them can help you in many ways. This lesson is intended to help you memorize some of the New Testament doctrinal mastery scripture references and key scripture phrases. 

Student preparation: Provide students with a copy of the scripture reference and key scripture phrase chart below, and invite them to memorize as many of the five doctrinal mastery scripture references and key scripture phrases as possible. Students could also use the Doctrinal Mastery app. Alternatively, students could strive to memorize an entire doctrinal mastery passage.

Possible Learning Activities

A doctrinal mastery passage lesson may need to be taught in place of this review lesson. Refer to the pacing schedule provided by the area or region director or coordinator to ensure that each doctrinal mastery passage lesson will be taught while seminary is in session.

Memorize key scripture phrases

  • What are some ways the Savior used the scriptures during His mortal life?

When the Savior was tempted by Satan, He used truths from scriptures to help Him overcome those temptations (see Matthew 4:1–11). He also used scripture often in His teaching (see Luke 4:17–27; Matthew 19:4–5; Matthew 24:37–40; Mark 12:26). As you memorize doctrinal mastery references and key scripture phrases in this lesson, consider how these passages can help you and others. If you have not yet marked these scripture passages and their key phrases in your scriptures, consider doing so.

If applicable, replace the following references and key scripture phrases with those of doctrinal mastery passages students have studied recently.

Scripture Reference

Key Scripture Phrase

Scripture Reference

Hebrews 12:9

Key Scripture Phrase

God is “the Father of spirits.”

Scripture Reference

James 1:5–6

Key Scripture Phrase

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.”

Scripture Reference

James 2:17–18

Key Scripture Phrase

“Faith, if it hath not works, is dead.”

Scripture Reference

1 Peter 4:6

Key Scripture Phrase

“The gospel [was] preached also to them that are dead.”

Scripture Reference

Revelation 20:12

Key Scripture Phrase

“And the dead were judged … according to their works.”

In your study journal, copy the preceding chart. Saying the words out loud as you write them may help you remember them. Repeat the references and key scripture phrases out loud after writing them.

Consider which of the following options may be best for students.

Do at least two of the following activities:

  1. Spend a few minutes trying to memorize the doctrinal mastery references and key scripture phrases. Then cover the scripture references and try to say the references while only looking at the key phrases. Then cover the key scripture phrases and try to say them while only looking at the scripture references.

  2. Working with a partner, have one person say a scripture reference out loud and the other say the matching key scripture phrase. Repeat this several times for each doctrinal mastery reference and key phrase, trying to memorize the references and phrases. Then try to do this without looking at the chart. Then switch roles.

    The preceding activity can be adapted by having different groups of students try to complete their repetition within a challenging time limit (for example, 20 seconds). Or the teacher could assume one role and the entire class the other.

  3. After spending a few minutes memorizing the doctrinal mastery references and key scripture phrases, try to fill in the missing words in the following incomplete references and key phrases. You could also use the Doctrinal Mastery app to practice filling in the blanks.

    Consider writing the following incomplete references and key scripture phrases on the board or preparing them on slips of paper for groups of students to complete together.

    • Hebrews :9. God the of .

    • 1:5–6. If of lack , let ask God.

    • James 2:. Faith, it not , is .

    • 1 Peter :6. The [was] also them are .

    • 20:12. And dead judged … to works.

  4. Select one of the doctrinal mastery passages and strive to memorize the entire verse or verses.

  5. Write as many of the five doctrinal mastery passage references and key scripture phrases as you can from memory.


Select one or two of the doctrinal mastery passages you worked with today and read the entire passage. Contemplate why this passage is worth remembering.

  • Of the truths taught in these five doctrinal mastery passages, which truth is most meaningful to you? Why?

  • How might knowing these truths enable you to help others?

  • What could you do to better remember and apply the doctrinal mastery passages?
