Doctrinal Mastery Review 3

Doctrinal Mastery Review 3

Understand and Explain

group of young women in seminary class

Understanding specific scripture passages and being able to explain the truths they teach is central to achieving doctrinal mastery. This lesson is intended to assist you to understand better and practice explaining the doctrine taught in the following doctrinal mastery passages: Matthew 5:14–16; Luke 2:10–12; John 3:5; John 3:16.

Using a variety of methods and approaches. Using a variety of teaching methods can help reach students who learn in different ways.

Student preparation: Select one meaningful doctrinal mastery passage from the New Testament. Prepare to share with the class why this passage is meaningful to you.

Possible Learning Activities

A doctrinal mastery passage lesson may need to be taught in place of this review lesson. Refer to the pacing schedule provided by the area or region director or coordinator to ensure that each doctrinal mastery passage lesson will be taught while seminary is in session.

How do you learn best?

There are many ways to learn, and we all learn and retain information differently.

Consider displaying the following list. Invite students to read through these learning styles and rank them in their study journals from 1 to 4, with 1 being what they identify with the most and 4 being what they identify with the least.

  • Visualizing: I learn by seeing and envisioning. Drawing, coloring, charts, graphs, and visual media help me learn and retain information.

  • Sharing with others: Writing and speaking with others helps me process and learn more deeply.

  • Studying independently: I prefer studying on my own, and I feel confident figuring things out independently.

  • Hands-on learning: I learn best using a variety of my senses, such as touching, smelling, hearing, and moving my body.

Consider how the Savior tailored His teaching to meet the needs of those He taught.

  • Why do you think the Savior used a variety of styles to teach others? What does this teach you about Him?

Adapt the following exercise depending on how many and which passages students would benefit from reviewing.

Applying your learning style to doctrinal mastery

Take a moment to read the following New Testament doctrinal mastery references. See if you can recall the associated key scripture phrase.

If students completed the student preparation for this lesson, consider inviting them to share which passages have been meaningful to them and why.

  • Which of these passages do you feel you understand well? Which would you like to understand better?

Complete activity A, B, C, or D using one of the previous doctrinal mastery passages (or another doctrinal mastery passage from the New Testament) that you would like to understand better. If time permits, complete multiple activities with different doctrinal mastery passages.

A: Visualizing

Create a drawing, collage, meme, word art, word cloud, or other visual representation that reflects what your passage teaches. Click these links for some examples:

B: Sharing with others

Create a plan to teach your passage. Think of questions you would ask to help those you are teaching understand the passage, create a video explaining the meaning of key words and phrases, or use music to teach others.

C: Studying independently

Choose key words from the passage to study. Record definitions, cross-references, or statements from Church leaders that deepen your understanding.

D: Hands-on learning

Create or identify tangible objects or patterns that could represent the passage or specific words or phrases from the passage. For example, for Matthew 5:14–16, you might use different light sources to illustrate Christ’s invitation to “let your light so shine.”

Consider inviting students to share their learning in pairs or small groups. Then display the following scale and questions for students to reflect on their learning experience.

(A) Agree (B) Somewhat agree (C) Neither agree nor disagree (D) Disagree

  1. I better understand the passage(s) I chose.

  2. I now feel more confident in my ability to explain the passage(s) I chose to someone else if I needed to.

  3. I believe using a similar method for learning and reviewing other doctrinal mastery passages would be helpful to me.

Allow students to discuss their responses to the previous questions. Help them understand that their growth comes through Jesus Christ and His divine help. Invite students to look to Heavenly Father for personalized help in all their studies.
