Matthew 21–23; Mark 11; Luke 19–20; John 12

Matthew 21–23; Mark 11; Luke 19–20; John 12


Jesus Christ made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem to begin the last week of His mortal ministry. The Savior cleansed the temple and healed those who came to Him in the temple. He taught the two great commandments and condemned the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees.

Prepare to Teach

The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson.

Matthew 21:1–11; John 12:27–36

Lesson purpose: This lesson will help students feel a greater respect and reverence for Jesus Christ and His mission to save us.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to come prepared to share about a time when they needed someone else’s help to get out of a difficult situation. To see an example of this type of situation, they could watch “Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet,” found on, from time code 0:00 to 5:01.

  • Content to display: Infographic included in the lesson; images of the final events in the Savior’s life

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider using the screen sharing feature to display the infographic. Students could then use the chat to share questions they want answered or to share what they are interested in learning more about.

Matthew 21:12–16

Lesson purpose: This lesson will help students feel an increased desire to treat the temple as a sacred place and to access the Savior’s healing power by doing temple work.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to ponder their most recent visit to the temple. If they have never been to the temple, invite them to ponder what it might be like to go to the temple.

  • Content to display: Images of the temple, including images of various rooms inside the temple

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider creating a presentation that includes the images of the different rooms in the temple, the quotes by President Nelson and Elder Renlund, and a few questions for class discussion.

Matthew 22:34–40

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students understand how to live the two great commandments.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to come prepared to share about someone they know who has shown that they truly love God and others.

  • Videos:Realizing What God Has Done, How Could I Not Help?” (2:50), available at; “Spiritual Whirlwinds” (15:54; watch from time code 7:40 to 9:13), available at

  • Personal examples and experiences: Prepare to share personal experiences and other examples of people who show by word and deed that they love God and their neighbors.

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider inviting students to think of a person who has shown that they love God and others. Invite the students, if possible, to discuss with this person how she or he has shown love for God and others. Have students come to class prepared to share.

Doctrinal Mastery: Matthew 22:36–39

Lesson purpose: This lesson will help you practice using the doctrine taught in this passage and the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to understand how to obey both commandments to love God and love your neighbor.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to review the doctrinal mastery references and key scripture phrases at home by asking someone to quiz them or using the Doctrinal Mastery app. Students could also be invited to act on their plan to keep the two great commandments.

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: During the practice application portion of the lesson, enable whiteboard use and screen sharing for students. Place students in breakout room groups, and assign a leader. The leader can share their whiteboard with the group, and the group can devise the scenario and write their thoughts on the whiteboard throughout the lesson. Each group leader could share a screenshot of their group’s final whiteboard results and briefly explain what their group wrote.

Matthew 23

Lesson purpose: This lesson will help students avoid hypocrisy and be humble followers of Jesus Christ.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to think of people who try to follow the Savior with sincerity and pure intent as they serve others.

  • Content to display: The picture of a Jewish man wearing a phylactery

  • Video:Phylacteries” (1:05), available at

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Use the whiteboard feature to list principles students identified during the lesson. Give students time to write a talk about one of these principles. Consider playing background music while they are writing. After they have finished, invite willing students to share some of their thoughts with the class.
