Pacing Guide for Home-Study Teachers

“Pacing Guide for Home-Study Teachers,” New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual (2016)

“Pacing Guide for Home-Study Teachers,” New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual

Pacing Guide for Home-Study Teachers

This manual contains 32 home-study lessons that correspond to the 32 units in the New Testament Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students. You will likely need to plan for an additional four classes in order to administer and review the required learning assessments, for a total of 36 classes. You may adapt the lessons and pacing as needed for the number of weeks you have to teach your class.


Home-Study Lesson

Unit 1

Day 1: The Plan of Salvation

Day 2: The Role of the Learner

Day 3: Studying the Scriptures

Day 4: Introduction to and Context of the New Testament

Teacher Lesson:The Plan of Salvation–Introduction to and Context of the New Testament

Unit 2

Day 1: Matthew 1–2

Day 2: Matthew 3

Day 3: Matthew 4

Day 4: Matthew 5

Teacher Lesson:Matthew 1–5

Unit 3

Day 1: Matthew 6–7

Day 2: Matthew 8–10

Day 3: Matthew 11–12

Day 4: Matthew 13:1–23

Teacher Lesson:Matthew 6:1–13:23

Unit 4

Day 1: Matthew 13:24–58

Day 2: Matthew 14

Day 3: Matthew 15

Day 4: Matthew 16–17

Teacher Lesson:Matthew 13:24–17:27

Unit 5

Day 1: Matthew 18–20

Day 2: Matthew 21:1–16

Day 3: Matthew 21:17–22:14

Day 4: Matthew 22:15–46

Teacher Lesson:Matthew 18–22

Unit 6

Day 1: Matthew 23

Day 2: Joseph Smith—Matthew; Matthew 24

Day 3: Matthew 25

Day 4: Matthew 26:1–30

Teacher Lesson:Matthew 23:1–26:30

Unit 7

Day 1: Matthew 26:31–75

Day 2: Matthew 27–28

Day 3: Mark 1

Day 4: Mark 2–3

Teacher Lesson:Matthew 26:31–Mark 3:35

Unit 8

Day 1: Mark 4–5

Day 2: Mark 6–8

Day 3: Mark 9:1–29

Day 4: Mark 9:30–50

Teacher Lesson:Mark 4–9

Unit 9

Day 1: Mark 10–16

Day 2: Luke 1

Day 3: Luke 2

Day 4: Luke 3–4

Teacher Lesson:Mark 10–Luke 4

Unit 10

Day 1: Luke 5

Day 2: Luke 6:1–7:18

Day 3: Luke 7:18–50

Day 4: Luke 8:1–10:37

Teacher Lesson:Luke 5:1–10:37

Unit 11

Day 1: Luke 10:38–12:59

Day 2: Luke 13–15

Day 3: Luke 16

Day 4: Luke 17

Teacher Lesson:Luke 10:38–17:37

Unit 12

Day 1: Luke 18–21

Day 2: Luke 22

Day 3: Luke 23–24

Day 4: John 1

Teacher Lesson:Luke 18–John 1

Unit 13

Day 1: John 2

Day 2: John 3

Day 3: John 4

Day 4: John 5–6

Teacher Lesson:John 2–6

Unit 14

Day 1: John 7

Day 2: John 8

Day 3: John 9

Day 4: John 10

Teacher Lesson:John 7–10

Unit 15

Day 1: John 11

Day 2: John 12

Day 3: John 13

Day 4: John 14–15

Teacher Lesson:John 11–15

Unit 16

Day 1: John 16

Day 2: John 17

Day 3: John 18–19

Day 4: John 20–21

Teacher Lesson:John 16–21

Recommended class period for administering the “New Testament Learning Assessment for Matthew–John”

Recommended class period for reviewing the “New Testament Learning Assessment for Matthew–John”

Unit 17

Day 1: Acts 1:1–8

Day 2: Acts 1:9–26

Day 3: Acts 2

Day 4: Acts 3–5

Teacher Lesson:Acts 1–5

Unit 18

Day 1: Acts 6–7

Day 2: Acts 8

Day 3: Acts 9

Day 4: Acts 10–12

Teacher Lesson:Acts 6–12

Unit 19

Day 1: Acts 13–14

Day 2: Acts 15

Day 3: Acts 16–17

Day 4: Acts 18–19

Teacher Lesson:Acts 13–19

Unit 20

Day 1: Acts 20–22

Day 2: Acts 23–28

Day 3: Romans 1–3

Day 4: Romans 4–7

Teacher Lesson:Acts 20–Romans 7

Unit 21

Day 1: Romans 8–11

Day 2: Romans 12–16

Day 3: 1 Corinthians 1–2

Day 4: 1 Corinthians 3–6

Teacher Lesson:Romans 8–1 Corinthians 6

Unit 22

Day 1: 1 Corinthians 7–8

Day 2: 1 Corinthians 9–10

Day 3: 1 Corinthians 11

Day 4: 1 Corinthians 12–14

Teacher Lesson:1 Corinthians 7–14

Unit 23

Day 1: 1 Corinthians 15:1–29

Day 2: 1 Corinthians 15:30–16:24

Day 3: 2 Corinthians 1–3

Day 4: 2 Corinthians 4–7

Teacher Lesson:1 Corinthians 15–2 Corinthians 7

Unit 24

Day 1: 2 Corinthians 8–9

Day 2: 2 Corinthians 10–13

Day 3: Galatians

Day 4: Ephesians 1

Teacher Lesson:2 Corinthians 8–Ephesians 1

Unit 25

Day 1: Ephesians 2–3

Day 2: Ephesians 4–6

Day 3: Philippians 1–3

Day 4: Philippians 4

Teacher Lesson:Ephesians 2–Philippians 4

Unit 26

Day 1: Colossians

Day 2: 1 Thessalonians

Day 3: 2 Thessalonians

Day 4: 1 Timothy

Teacher Lesson:Colossians–1 Timothy

Unit 27

Day 1: 2 Timothy

Day 2: Titus

Day 3: Philemon

Day 4: Hebrews 1–4

Teacher Lesson:2 Timothy 1–Hebrews 4

Unit 28

Day 1: Hebrews 5–6

Day 2: Hebrews 7–10

Day 3: Hebrews 11

Day 4: Hebrews 12–James 1

Teacher Lesson:Hebrews 5–James 1

Unit 29

Day 1: James 2–3

Day 2: James 4–5

Day 3: 1 Peter 1–2

Day 4: 1 Peter 3–5

Teacher Lesson:James 2–1 Peter 5

Unit 30

Day 1: 2 Peter

Day 2: 1 John

Day 3: 2 John–3 John

Day 4: Jude

Teacher Lesson:2 Peter–Jude

Unit 31

Day 1: Revelation 1–3

Day 2: Revelation 4–5

Day 3: Revelation 6–7

Day 4: Revelation 8–11

Teacher Lesson:Revelation 1–11

Unit 32

Day 1: Revelation 12–13

Day 2: Revelation 14–16

Day 3: Revelation 17–19

Day 4: Revelation 20–22

Teacher Lesson:Revelation 12–22

Recommended class period for administering the “New Testament Learning Assessment for Acts–Revelation”

Recommended class period for reviewing the “New Testament Learning Assessment for Acts–Revelation”
