undefined undefined Jesus Was Born
For Young Readers
Jesus Was Born

“Jesus Was Born,” New Testament Stories for Young Readers, 2019

“Jesus Was Born”

New Testament Stories for Young Readers


Jesus Was Born

Luke 2:1–20

At Christmastime, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Mary and Joseph hugging baby Jesus

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. His mother was named Mary, and Joseph was her husband.

Simeon holding baby Jesus

Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem. There, a man named Simeon held baby Jesus. He felt the Holy Ghost tell him that Jesus was the Son of God.

Anna proclaiming to crowd

A woman named Anna also saw baby Jesus and knew He was the Savior. She went to tell other people about Him.

child holding lantern

I think about Jesus at Christmastime. He really lives. He loves me!

Coloring Page

Christmas Is about Jesus

Mary and Joseph hold baby Jesus

Click on the picture to download.

Illustration by Apryl Stott