Istwa nan Ekriti yo
Chapit 34: Tigason ki te gen movèzespri a

Chapit 34

Tigason ki te gen movèzespri a

A man asks the Savior to heal his son saying that the disciples had been unable to help him - ch.33-1

Yon jou yon mesye te mande Sovè a pou ede pitit gason li. Tigason an te gen yon movèzespri nan li. Disip yo te deja eseye geri pitit gason l lan, men yo pa t kapab.

The evil spirit makes the boy fall to the ground - ch.33-2

Jezi te mande mesye a pou mennen pitit gason an ba li. Lè tigason an te vini, movèzespri a te fè l tonbe atè.

The Savior asks the father how long his son has had the evil spirit - ch.33-3

Sovè a te mande konbyen tan movèzespri a te nan kò tigason an. Papa a te di ke l te la depi l te piti.

The man says he has faith for his son to be healed - ch.33-4

Jezi te di ke li te ka geri tigason an si papa a te gen lafwa. Papa a te kòmanse kriye. Li te di ke li te gen lafwa. Men li te mande Jezi pou ede l vin gen pi plis lafwa.

The Savior commands the evil spirit to come out of the boy - ch.33-5

Jezi te kòmande movèzespri a pou l te sòti nan kò tigason an epi pou l pa janm retounen ankò. Movèzespri a te fache. Li te maltrete tigason ankò. Apresa li te obeyi Jezi epi li te ale.

The Savior reaches down and takes the boy by the hand - ch.33-6

Tigason an te sitèlman trankil ke anpil moun te panse ke l te mouri. Men Jezi te pran men li epi li te ede l kanpe. Tigason an te geri. Movèzespri a te ale.

When the disciples ask why they couldn't cast out the evil spirit Jesus tells them they should have fasted and prayed - ch.33-7

Nan apre disip yo te mande Jezi poukisa yo pa t kapab fè movèzespri a ale kite tigason an. Jezi te di yo ke pafwa yo bezwen jene ak priye pou yon kapab geri yon moun.