undefined undefined Unit 11, Day 4: Luke 17
Unit 11, Day 4: Luke 17

“Unit 11, Day 4: Luke 17,” New Testament Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students (2016)

“Unit 11, Day 4,” New Testament Study Guide

Unit 11: Day 4

Luke 17


Jesus taught His disciples about the need to forgive others. Afterward, the Apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith. In response, the Savior taught them the parable of the unprofitable servant. Later, Jesus healed 10 lepers, but only one of them returned to thank Him. The Savior was confronted by Pharisees, and He taught about the coming forth of the kingdom of God.

Luke 17:1–10

The Apostles ask Jesus to increase their faith

  1. journal iconThink of situations that might require you to exercise faith, such as seeking a priesthood blessing, paying tithing, or giving a talk or lesson at church. Write your list in your scripture study journal. Then answer the following questions: Have you ever wanted to have greater faith? If so, what experiences did you have or face that helped create that desire?

As you study Luke 17, look for principles that can help you increase your faith.

In Luke 17:1–2 the Savior taught His disciples that someone who tempts others to sin will be held accountable.

Read Luke 17:3–4, looking for a commandment the Savior gave His disciples that might require faith. Consider marking that commandment in your scriptures.

Why might it be difficult to forgive someone who has repeatedly wronged you?

Read Luke 17:5, looking for what the Apostles desired from the Savior after He taught them about forgiveness.

How might seeking greater faith in the Lord help them obey the commandment to forgive others?

As recorded in Luke 17:6, the Savior answered the Apostles’ plea for increased faith by testifying that faith the size of a tiny mustard seed can produce miracles. To help them know how to increase their faith, Jesus then gave a parable describing the relationship of a master and a servant.

Read Luke 17:7–10, looking for what a master expected of his servant. Use the footnotes to help you understand some of the difficult words in the parable.

In biblical times a master provided all the necessities of life to his servant as the servant faithfully fulfilled his expected duties. Because of this, there was no need for the master to give special thanks to his servant or feel indebted to him for performing his duties.

Think about ways Heavenly Father is like the master in this parable.

You might mark in Luke 17:10 the phrase “done all those things which are commanded.”

  1. journal iconWrite the following in your scripture study journal: Our faith will increase as we strive to do all that Heavenly Father commands. You will add to this statement later.

Consider marking in Luke 17:10 what Jesus said servants should say after doing what was commanded of them.

To acknowledge that we are unprofitable servants means that we recognize that no matter how well we keep the commandments, we are always indebted to God. He blesses us so generously that we can never repay Him—even when we are obedient and living righteously (see Mosiah 2:20–26).

  1. journal iconComplete the statement in your scripture study journal so that it conveys the following principle: Our faith will increase as we strive to do all that Heavenly Father commands and as we remember that we are always indebted to Him. Then answer the following question: How does striving to do all that God commands increase our faith?

President Heber J. Grant

President Heber J. Grant taught about the importance of doing our duty in serving God: “There is no danger of any man or woman losing his or her faith in this Church if he or she is humble and prayerful and obedient to duty. I have never known of such an individual losing his faith. By doing our duty faith increases until it becomes perfect knowledge” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Heber J. Grant [2002], 28).

Ponder a time when you kept the commandments or obediently performed your duty to God and felt an increase in faith as a result.

Luke 17:11–19

Jesus cleanses 10 lepers

Jesus and lepers

Based on what you know about leprosy, complete the following statement: During Bible times, it would have been difficult to have leprosy because .

Leprosy was a disease that could lead to disfigurement and death. Lepers were separated from the rest of society to protect the health of others, and they were required to call out “Unclean!” to warn anyone approaching them (see Bible Dictionary, “Leper”).

Read Luke 17:11–12, looking for whom Jesus encountered as He stopped at a village while traveling toward Jerusalem.

If you were one of those lepers, what feelings might you have had when you saw Jesus?

Read Luke 17: 13–14, looking for what the lepers said to the Savior and what His response to them was.

The law of Moses required that lepers show themselves to the priests after they had recovered in order to be admitted back into society (see Leviticus 14). Consider marking in your scriptures what happened as the lepers went to show themselves to the priest.

From Luke 17:14 we can learn that we receive the Lord’s blessings as we do what He has instructed us to do.

Consider what it would have been like—how it would have changed your life—to be one of the lepers who were cleansed. What do you think you would have done once you realized you had been cleansed of leprosy?

Read Luke 17:15–19, looking for how one of the lepers reacted differently than the others.

One truth we can learn from the leper who returned to give thanks is that it is important to express gratitude for the blessings we receive.

Why is it important to express our gratitude to God for blessings we receive?

How might we sometimes be like the nine lepers?

President Thomas S. Monson

As you read the following statement by President Thomas S. Monson, mark what he taught will happen as we express gratitude to our Father in Heaven: “My brothers and sisters, do we remember to give thanks for the blessings we receive? Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God’s love” (“The Divine Gift of Gratitude,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 87).

You might mark in Luke 17:19 what the Savior said had happened to the leper who gave thanks.

In what ways might giving thanks to the Lord for our blessings help us to be made whole?

  1. journal iconRecord in your scripture study journal specific blessings from Heavenly Father that you are grateful for. List some things you can do in your life that show your gratitude for these blessings.

Luke 17:20–37

Jesus teaches concerning the coming of the kingdom of God

Jesus taught about His Second Coming in Luke 17:20–37. You studied some of the content of this passage when you studied Matthew 24 and Joseph Smith—Matthew.

  1. journal iconWrite the following at the bottom of today’s assignments in your scripture study journal:

    I have studied Luke 17 and completed this lesson on (date).

    Additional questions, thoughts, and insights I would like to share with my teacher: