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Unit 9, Day 1: Mark 10–16

“Unit 9, Day 1: Mark 10–16,” New Testament Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students (2016)

“Unit 9, Day 1,” New Testament Study Guide

Unit 9: Day 1

Mark 10–16


Near the end of His mortal ministry, the Savior left Galilee and traveled through Perea, an area east of the Jordan River, on His way to Jerusalem. While in Perea, He invited little children to come unto Him and admonished a rich young ruler to sell all his possessions and follow Him. In Jerusalem the Savior observed a poor widow cast two mites into the temple treasury. Later, while at dinner in Bethany, Mary anointed Jesus in preparation for His burial. The Savior suffered in Gethsemane, and He was later tried and condemned to die. After He died on the cross and was resurrected, the Lord appeared to His Apostles and commissioned them to take the gospel to the world.

Mark 10:1–16

Jesus teaches the doctrine of marriage and invites little children to come to Him

young children playing
young children around teacher
young children reenacting nativity scene

Think about the young children you know.

What qualities or characteristics do you admire about young children?

As you study Mark 10:1–16, look for a truth that teaches why we should become like little children.

In Mark 10:1–12 we read what the Savior taught the people about the importance of marriage. For more information about the Savior’s teachings, you might refer back to the material for Matthew 19:1–12.

Concerning the teachings of Jesus Christ on marriage and divorce in Matthew 19:1–12 and Mark 10:1–12, Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve taught:

Elder Bruce R. McConkie

“As here recorded, our Lord’s teachings about marriage and divorce are fragmentary and incomplete. They can only be understood when considered in connection with the law of celestial marriage as such has been revealed anew in modern times. These same general principles governing eternal marriage were known to and understood by the disciples in Jesus’ day and also, in part at least, by the Pharisees. But the accounts here preserved by both Matthew and Mark of the Master’s discussion on marriage and divorce are so condensed and abbreviated that they do not give a clear picture of the problem. …

“… Divorce is not part of the gospel plan no matter what kind of marriage is involved. But because men in practice do not always live in harmony with gospel standards, the Lord permits divorce for one reason or another, depending upon the spiritual stability of the people involved. … In this day divorces are permitted in accordance with civil statutes, and the divorced persons are permitted by the Church to marry again without the stain of immorality which under a higher system would attend such a course” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [1965–73], 1:546–47).

Read Mark 10:13–14, looking for what happened when some people brought little children to see Jesus.

Read Mark 10:15–16, looking for what the Savior taught His disciples as He invited the little children to come to Him. The phrase “receive the kingdom of God” in verse 15 refers to receiving the gospel and becoming a member of His Church.

Based on these verses, what will happen as we receive the gospel like little children? Answer the question by completing the following principle: As we receive the gospel like little children, we will be prepared to .

  1. journal iconAnswer the following questions in your scripture study journal:

    1. What do you think it means to receive the gospel “as a little child” (Mark 10:15)?

    2. If someone received the gospel like a little child, how do you think he or she would read the scriptures, pray, and worship in Church?

Mark 10:17–45

The Savior admonishes a rich young ruler to sell his possessions and follow Him; He counsels His disciples to serve one another

Read Mark 10:17–20, looking for what happened after Jesus blessed the little children. Consider marking what the man asked the Savior and how the Savior responded.

How would you describe the man who came to Jesus?

Matthew 19 also contains the account of this man coming to the Savior. Read Matthew 19:20, looking for how the man answered the Savior’s admonition to keep the commandments. You may want to mark the additional question the young man asked Him.

  1. journal iconWrite the following question in your scripture study journal: What lack I yet? You will answer additional questions related to this question later in the lesson.

Read Mark 10:21, looking for how the Savior responded to the young man.

Notice the phrase “Jesus beholding him loved him” in verse 21. Why do you think it is important to know that Jesus loved this young man before He told him what he lacked?

From these verses we can learn that because He loves us, the Lord will help us know what we lack in our efforts to follow Him, and if we ask the Lord, He will teach us what we need to do to inherit eternal life.

Read Mark 10:22, looking for how the young man reacted when the Savior counseled him to sell all that he had. According to verse 22, why did he react that way?

While we may not be asked to give up great riches to follow the Lord, He has asked us to make other sacrifices to serve Him and obey His commandments.

  1. journal iconUnder the question “What lack I yet?” answer the following questions in your scripture study journal:

    1. What are some sacrifices the Lord has asked of us that may be difficult to make?

    2. Write about a sacrifice the Lord has asked (or is asking) of you that may be difficult to make.

Prayerfully ponder the question “What lack I yet?” and obey whatever promptings you may receive concerning the sacrifices the Lord would have you make.

Read Mark 10:23–27. Note the clarification the Joseph Smith Translation gives to what the Savior said in verse 27 by reading Mark 10:27, footnote a, looking for what Jesus taught about leaving all for His sake.

Why do you think it is hard for those who trust in riches or other worldly things to enter the kingdom of God? What do you think it means that all things are possible for those who trust in God?

Read Mark 10:28–31, looking for what Jesus promised to those who are willing to give up everything to follow Him. Note the clarification the Joseph Smith Translation gives to what the Savior said in verse 31 by reading Mark 10:31, footnote a.

From these verses we learn the following principle: To receive eternal life, we must be willing to give up whatever the Lord requires of us.

Why is eternal life worth any sacrifice we are asked to make?

In Mark 10:35–45 we learn that James and John asked Jesus if they could sit in the honored positions at Jesus’s right hand and left hand in the eternal kingdom. The Savior then taught the Twelve Apostles that they must not be like gentile leaders who exercised authority over others. Those who are greatest in the kingdom of God are servants of all.

Mark 11–13

The Savior teaches at the temple and observes a widow cast mites into the temple treasury

In each of the following scenarios, two people give offerings to the Lord. Think about what the differences are between the offerings in each scenario.

  • A woman gave her bishop a very large sum of money as a fast offering. Another woman who lives in the same ward gave a very small amount to her bishop as a fast offering.

  • A man serves as a stake president. Another man in the same stake serves as a primary teacher.

What feelings might a person have if his or her offering to the Lord appears small when compared to the offerings of others?

As you study Mark 11–13, look for truths that will help you know how the Lord views your offerings to Him.

The Triumphal Entry

In Mark 11:1–12:40 we learn that as the Savior neared the end of His mortal ministry, He rode triumphantly into Jerusalem, cast out the moneychangers from the temple, and taught the people there.

While He was at the temple, Jesus witnessed individuals bringing money to the temple treasury as an offering to God. Read Mark 12:41–44, looking for what the Savior saw at the treasury.

What did the Savior say about the widow’s offering compared to the offerings of the others?

Think of the coin with the least value in your country’s currency. A mite was “the smallest bronze coin used by the Jews” (Bible Dictionary, “Money”).

  1. journal iconAnswer the following question in your scripture study journal: Why do you think the Savior considered the widow’s offering to be more than the other offerings?

Based on what the Lord said about the widow, we can learn the following principle: If we are willing to give all that we have to the Lord, He will accept our offering even if it appears small in comparison to that of others.

It takes faith to give all we have to the Lord. This principle of sacrifice is taught in the Lectures on Faith: “Let us here observe, that a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation” (Lectures on Faith [1985], 69).

In Mark 13 we learn that the Savior taught His Apostles about the Second Coming. You studied about this in Joseph Smith—Matthew (see the lesson for Unit 6: Day 2).

Mark 14:1–9

Mary anoints the Savior

After the Savior taught His disciples about the signs of His Second Coming, He left Jerusalem and went to Bethany to the house of a man named Simon, who had previously had been afflicted with leprosy. During the last week of the Savior’s life, He went back and forth from Bethany to Jerusalem many times.

Read Mark 14:3 and John 12:3, looking for what act of faith and love Mary performed for Jesus.

Elder James E. Talmage

Elder James E. Talmage of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles stated: “To anoint the head of a guest with ordinary oil was to do him honor; to anoint his feet also was to show unusual and signal [notable] regard; but the anointing of head and feet with spikenard, and in such abundance, was an act of reverential homage rarely rendered even to kings. Mary’s act was an expression of adoration; it was the fragrant outwelling of a heart overflowing with worship and affection” (Jesus the Christ, 3rd ed. [1916], 512).

Scan Mark 14:4–9, looking for how some of the people at the dinner reacted to what Mary did.

How did the Savior respond to those who were critical of Mary?

The phrase “she hath wrought a good work on me” in verse 6 indicates that the Savior was pleased with what Mary had done. The phrase “she hath done what she could” in verse 8 implies that she had given her best to the Lord.

From these verses we learn that the Savior is pleased when we give Him our best efforts.

  1. journal iconConsider this principle and the previous principle we identified from the account of the widow’s mites, and complete the following assignments in your scripture study journal:

    1. Explain how believing these truths might help those who feel they do not have much to give to the Lord.

    2. Describe a time when you saw someone give his or her best to the Lord.

Think about whether you are currently giving your best to the Lord. Select one aspect of your life in which you could improve, and set a goal that would help you give your best to the Lord.

Mark 14:10–16:20

Jesus begins His Atonement as He suffers in Gethsemane; He is betrayed by Judas Iscariot and brought before Jewish leaders

In Mark 14:10–16:20 we learn that Jesus and the Apostles observed the Passover and Jesus introduced the emblems of the sacrament. They then went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus suffered for our sins. He was then betrayed by Judas Iscariot, tried illegally by the Sanhedrin, and condemned to die. After the Savior died on the cross and was resurrected, He appeared to His Apostles and told them to take the gospel to the world, promising them that signs would follow those who believe. (You studied this material in the lessons for Matthew 26–28.)

  1. journal iconWrite the following at the bottom of today’s assignments in your scripture study journal:

    I have studied Mark 10–16 and completed this lesson on (date).

    Additional questions, thoughts, and insights I would like to share with my teacher: