“Video Lesson 2: New Testament: The Maze,” New Testament Video Guide (2005), 2
“Video Lesson 2,” New Testament Video Guide, 2
New Testament
The Maze
To show that time and effort given to a study of the New Testament can help in answering life’s questions and solving personal problems.
Before the Video
Student Activity
Make sure students understand the idea of a maze (a network of intricate passageways and blind alleys). Draw a maze on the board like the following:

Blindfold a student, and have another student accompany the first student to the board. Have the student without the blindfold complete the maze with the help of the blindfolded student. Each time the student without the blindfold must make a choice as to which way to go, the blindfolded student selects one of the options: right, left, or straight ahead. This exercise should prove frustrating for both students. Ask the class why it would be easier for them to make correct choices than for the blindfolded student. (They can see the entire maze.)
Teacher Insight
Help the students see that life is often like a maze, presenting us with difficult decisions and confusing problems. We often have trouble seeing what to do. Problems and questions in our lives are often more easily worked through when we can see the purpose of our life and where we are going.
Using the Video
The Maze 10:07
“Look For” Activity
As students watch the video, suggest they look for the decisions the three teams make while working their way through the maze and what effect it has on their success.
Show the Video
The video features a contest of students going through a large outdoor maze. The team that spends the least amount of time going through the maze is the winner. In the maze they make decisions on whether to take the time and effort to go up on elevated platforms where team members can see more clearly how to proceed. In the end, the team taking the time and effort to use the platforms gets to the end the fastest.
After the Video
Ask students to consider what the most important decisions were in making it through the maze. Why did some of the young people make the decision not to go up on the platform? Refer back to the discussion held prior to viewing the video. Ask, “If life is like a maze, what would the platforms be?” (Scriptures, Church leaders, parents, prayer.) “What attitudes were shown that would keep us from studying the scriptures?” Explore the reality of those attitudes toward studying scriptures and the words of Church leaders. Discuss how the scriptures and the Brethren are like the platforms (they give an overall perspective of life and how to proceed along the correct path).
Scripture Marking
Read 2 Timothy 3:16 with your students. Have them mark the four purposes of scripture: “for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, [and] for instruction in righteousness.”
Scripture Activity
Give students the following case studies. Have them write down how they would handle the situation. Next have the students read the scriptures listed and decide what they teach about handling the situation.
Case study 1
The bishop has just assigned you and your father to home teach the Carson family. Since they moved in next door their unwanted junk has found its way into your yard; and the Carson boy has done nothing but make life miserable for you in biology.
Scripture: Matthew 5:38–48
Case study 2
Val and Rob have had their summer fishing trip planned for months. At 10:00 p.m. they check their gear and review their plans. Val realizes that he hasn’t purchased his fishing license. They plan to leave at 5:30 the next morning. The sporting goods store doesn’t open until 7:30. The only other place that sells fishing licenses is Tim’s Bar, and it’s open until midnight.
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:21–22
Scripture Activity
Have the students write their own case study for either Acts 5:1–10 or Revelation 3:15–16. Allow them to share their efforts with the class.
You may wish to share a personal story of how the New Testament has helped you solve a problem or has given you an answer to a question. Encourage students to make their study of the New Testament a daily habit.
Note: The article by Carole Garfield Seegmiller, “Our Family’s Tape-Recorded New Testament” (Ensign, Jan. 1991, 26–27) may provide additional help in teaching the value of the New Testament.