undefined undefined Lesson 21: God Will Honor Those Who Honor Him
Sunday School: Gospel Doctrine
Lesson 21: God Will Honor Those Who Honor Him

“Lesson 21: God Will Honor Those Who Honor Him,” Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (2001), 14–15

“Lesson 21,” Old Testament Class Member Study Guide, 14–15

Lesson 21

God Will Honor Those Who Honor Him

1 Samuel 2–3; 8

Study the following scriptures:

  1. 1 Samuel 2:12–17, 22–25. The sons of Eli commit transgressions and are counseled by their father.

  2. 1 Samuel 2:27–36; 3:12–14. A man of God warns Eli about the consequences of the wickedness in his family.

  3. 1 Samuel 3. The Lord calls Samuel, and Samuel responds.

  4. 1 Samuel 8. The Israelites want a king so they can be “like all the nations.” Samuel warns them about the dangers of such a choice.

  • What did the actions of Eli’s sons suggest about whom they chose to honor? (See 1 Samuel 2:12–17, 22–25.) In what areas of our lives do we sometimes honor and please ourselves rather than the Lord?

  • A man of God came and chastised Eli, saying that Eli honored his sons more than God (1 Samuel 2:27–29). In what way had Eli honored his sons more than God? How do we sometimes honor other people more than God?

  • How did Samuel honor the Lord? How did the Lord honor him? (See 1 Samuel 3:19; see also 1 Samuel 2:30.) How do you think the Lord will honor us if we honor Him?