Psalm 23: ‘The Lord Is My Shepherd’

“Psalm 23: ‘The Lord Is My Shepherd’” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 133

“Psalm 23,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 133

Psalm 23

“The Lord Is My Shepherd”

Psalm 23 is a famous psalm that is the source for the words of “The Lord Is My Shepherd,” a hymn in the Latter-day Saint hymnbook (no. 108) that teaches us about the loving care of the Lord.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Psalm 23.

  1. Explain the Images

    You are one of the Lord’s lambs in Psalm 23. Put in your own words what you think the following phrases mean in this psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd” (v. 1), “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures” (v. 2), “He restoreth my soul” (v. 3), “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (v. 4), and “my cup runneth over” (v. 5).

  2. Choose Your Favorite Phrase

    Choose a phrase from Psalm 23 that expresses how you feel about the Lord. Explain your choice.
