Genesis 28: Jacob’s Sacred Experience

“Genesis 28: Jacob’s Sacred Experience,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 31

“Genesis 28,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 31

Genesis 28

Jacob’s Sacred Experience

In Genesis 27, Isaac blessed Jacob that he would have prosperity and would rule over his older brother, Esau. The greatest blessings Jacob could obtain, however, were the blessings of the covenant given to his grandfather Abraham and his father, Isaac. In Genesis 28, the Lord taught Jacob more about the covenant and its blessings.

Studying the Scriptures

Do one of the following activities (A–B) as you study Genesis 28.

  1. Identify the Promises

    Isaac promised Jacob

    (see vv. 3–4)

    The Lord promised Jacob

    (see vv. 13–15)

    Jacob promised the Lord

    (see vv. 20–22)

    In Genesis 28, Isaac promised Jacob certain blessings, the Lord promised Jacob certain blessings, and Jacob promised the Lord he would do certain things. Identify the promises in this chapter and put them in a chart similar to the one shown.

  2. Draw Your Ladder to Heaven

    1. Draw a ladder in your notebook. Label the rungs or steps with ordinances you must receive and covenants you must make with God in order to obtain eternal life.

    2. Show your drawing to your parents or Church leaders to see if you have left anything out.

    3. Write about what you are doing in your life right now to obtain these covenants or what you are doing to be worthy of the blessings of the covenants you have already entered into.
