2 Samuel 13–14: The Sins of David’s Children

“2 Samuel 13–14: The Sins of David’s Children,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 102–13

“2 Samuel 13–14,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 102–13

2 Samuel 13–14

The Sins of David’s Children

Sin always affects those around us—especially our families. Often the parents’ example has an impact on the way their children behave. Even more, when parents set a bad example, correcting the same bad behavior in their children is very difficult. As you read 2 Samuel 13–14, think about how the actions of David’s sons are similar to his own. Consider also what you might have done if you were in these situations.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study 2 Samuel 13–14.

  1. Read and Answer

    Read 2 Samuel 14:14 and answer this question: What “means” (plans) has God “devised” (created) to help those who are “banished” (out of his presence) so they are not permanently “expelled” (driven out) from him?
