2 Samuel 7: David Wants to Build a Temple

“2 Samuel 7: David Wants to Build a Temple,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 100

“2 Samuel 7,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 100

2 Samuel 7

David Wants to Build a Temple

How would you feel if you thought up and planned to do something for the Lord and His Church that you thought was very special and then found out He wanted you to do something else? Chapter 7 of 2 Samuel records that this is essentially what happened to David. As you read, notice how David responded to what the Lord said to him.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study 2 Samuel 7.

  1. Insight from Other Scripture

    Read 1 Chronicles 22:7–8 and explain why the Lord did not want David to build a permanent temple.

  2. How Did David Feel?

    1. Reread the introduction to 2 Samuel 7 and think about how you would feel if you were in a situation similar to David’s. Then read 2 Samuel 7:18–29 and tell how David felt about what the Lord told him.

    2. Write in your notebook and mark in your scriptures the parts of verses you think best express David’s feelings.

    3. Explain why you think David felt the way he did.
