Seminaries and Institutes
2 Chronicles 1–36

“2 Chronicles 1–36,” Old Testament Seminary Teacher Resource Manual (2003)

“2 Chronicles 1–36,” Old Testament Seminary Teacher Resource Manual

2 Chronicles 1–36


See the introduction for 1 Chronicles 1–29.

Some Important Gospel Principles to Look For

Suggestions for Teaching

2 Chronicles 3:1. Mount Moriah was a place made sacred by the Lord.

(10–15 minutes)

Ask students:

  • What are some places that are considered sacred?

  • What makes a place sacred?

If available, show students a picture of the temple mount in Jerusalem and have them look at Bible map 12, which shows the city of Jerusalem in Jesus’ time. Have students read Genesis 22:1–2; 2 Samuel 5:6–7; and 2 Chronicles 3:1 and discuss what they teach about that important hill (see also Bible Dictionary, “Moriah,” p. 734).

Have students read Ezekiel 37:21–28 and look for what it says about a future temple there (see the commentary for Ezekiel 37:26–28 in Old Testament Student Manual: 1 Kings–Malachi, p. 284). Ask them why Moriah, the temple mount, would play such an important role in Israel’s history and prophecy. Read the following statement by the Prophet Joseph Smith:

“Judah must return, Jerusalem must be rebuilt, and the temple, and water come out from under the temple, and the waters of the Dead Sea be healed. It will take some time to rebuild the walls of the city and the temple, &c.; and all this must be done before the Son of Man will make His appearance” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 286).

2 Chronicles 5; 7:1–3. Temples are sacred houses of the Lord.

(20–25 minutes)

If available, show students the blueprints of a building. Ask:

  • Why and how are blueprints used?

  • If you could design your dream home, what would be the largest room in it? Why?

  • How might a house to the Lord be designed differently than your home?

Quickly review 1 Kings 6 and 2 Chronicles 2–4 with your students. Discuss the cost and effort that went into the building of Solomon’s temple. Ask why David and Solomon went to such effort to build a beautiful building for the house of the Lord. Show pictures of some of our modern temples and discuss why we want to offer our best for the Lord. Read the following statement by Elder James E. Talmage, who was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve:

“Let us be mindful of the fact that whether it be the gift of a man or a nation, the best, if offered willingly and with pure intent, is always excellent in the sight of God, however poor by other comparison that best may be” (The House of the Lord, rev. ed. [1976], 3).

Have students read 2 Chronicles 5:11–14 and 7:1–3 and ask how the Lord showed His acceptance of the temple. Read Doctrine and Covenants 109:1–5, 12–13, 37 and discuss how the spiritual manifestations prayed for at the dedication of the Kirtland temple were similar to those at the dedication of the temple of Solomon. You might consider selecting verses from the dedicatory prayer on the Kirtland temple that show the blessings of having a temple (see especially D&C 109:12–59; see also D&C 110:1–10). Share your testimony of the importance of temples in our day.
