Lesson Principles

“Lesson Principles,” Preparing for an Eternal Marriage Teacher Manual (2003), 79–80

“Lesson Principles,” Preparing for an Eternal Marriage, 79–80

Lesson Principles

Lesson 1: Developing an Eternal Perspective

  • An eternal perspective enriches all of life, including our dating and courtship decisions.

Lesson 2: The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage

  • If we understand and value the new and everlasting covenant of marriage, we will be better able to date and court in a way that keeps us worthy of its sacred promises.

Lesson 3: The Family: A Proclamation to the World

  • Understanding the proclamation on the family helps us prepare for eternal marriage.

Lesson 4: The Lord’s Standards for Dating

  • Following the Lord’s standards results in greater happiness and protection.

Lesson 5: The Law of Chastity

  • Through all our dating and courtship experiences, the law of chastity points the way to peace of mind, lasting security, and happiness.

Lesson 6: Staying Morally Clean

  • Happiness and peace of mind come from keeping our lives pure.

Lesson 7: Personal Worthiness and the Blessings of Eternal Marriage

  • The Atonement of Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to enjoy the blessings of eternal marriage.

Lesson 8: Overcoming “the Natural Man”

  • As we strive to become more like the Savior and overcome the natural man, we become better prepared for dating and a temple marriage.

Lesson 9: Balancing Personal Growth and Responsibility

  • Personal growth is a key to building lasting relationships.

Lesson 10: Temporal Preparedness

  • Temporal preparedness enhances our ability to build a successful marriage.

Lesson 11: Effective Communication

  • Effective communication helps build friendships and strengthen commitment during courtship and marriage.

Lesson 12: Differences Inherent between Men and Women

  • Understanding the differences inherent between men and women helps dating couples interact in more Christlike ways.

Lesson 13: Divine Roles and Responsibilities of Men and Women

  • Accepting divinely appointed roles and responsibilities in the gospel plan helps us find greater happiness in our relationships.

Lesson 14: True Love

  • Understanding love helps us establish and maintain eternal relationships.

Lesson 15: The Search for an Eternal Companion

  • Compatibility in key areas is essential to a happy marriage.

Lesson 16: The Decision to Marry and Engagement

  • We must involve the Lord in our decision to marry.

Lesson 17: Preparing for the Temple

  • Preparation, worthiness, and being receptive to the Spirit help us understand the teachings of the temple and make them a central part of our lives.

Lesson 18: Jesus Christ, the Sure Foundation

  • Jesus Christ is the only sure foundation for building eternal relationships.

Lesson 19: Adjusting to Married Life

  • Wise preparation for marriage includes foreseeing the need for adjustment.

Lesson 20: Intimacy in Marriage

  • Obeying the Lord’s counsel on intimacy helps us have a happy marriage.

Lesson 21: Course Summary: Governing Our Lives by Correct Principles

  • Living by gospel principles during dating and courtship strengthens us as we prepare for temple marriage.
