“Lesson 14: Adam and Eve Were Created in Heavenly Father’s Image,” Primary 1 (2000), 42–44
“Lesson 14,” Primary 1, 42–44
Lesson 14
Adam and Eve Were Created in Heavenly Father’s Image
To help each child understand that Adam and Eve were created in the image of Heavenly Father.
Prayerfully study Genesis 1; 2:15–25; and 3. See also Gospel Principles (31110), chapters 5 and 6.
Materials needed:
A Bible.
Cutouts 1-1 through 1-25 (similar cutouts can also be found in Primary Visual Aids Cutouts sets 3, 4, and 5).
Picture 1-33, Adam and Eve (Gospel Art Picture Kit 101; 62461); picture 1-34, Adam and Eve Teach Their Children.
Make the necessary preparations for any Enrichment Activities you want to use.
Learning Activities
Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
The earth was created according to Heavenly Father’s plan
Adam and Eve were a part of Heavenly Father’s plan
Have the children look at the cutout figures on display.
What else needs to be on the earth?
Show picture 1-33, Adam and Eve. Explain that after all the other things were created, Adam and Eve were created. Tell about the creation of people, as found in Genesis 1:26–28. Explain that Adam and Eve were the first two people to live on the earth. They had bodies of flesh and bones that looked like Heavenly Father’s body.
Who was the first man to live on the earth?
Who was the first woman?
What kind of bodies did Adam and Eve have?
Have the children feel their arms, and remind them that their bodies are like Adam’s and Eve’s bodies.
Heavenly Father and Jesus said that the earth was good
Read the first sentence of Genesis 1:31 aloud. Have the children repeat the sentence with you. Explain that Heavenly Father and Jesus feel that all their creations are good. Most importantly, they feel that we are good, and they love each of us very much.
Enrichment Activities
Choose some of these activities to use during the lesson.
Select several activities from lessons 8 through 13, such as “God’s Creation” or “Noah,” to do with the children.
Review what happened on each day of the Creation as the children count off the days on their fingers.
Sing or say the words to “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, p. 228) with the children.
Let the children draw or color a picture of something that is a part of Heavenly Father’s plan, such as a flower, a tree, or the sun. Write at the top of each child’s paper I am thankful for the earth.
Additional Activities for Younger Children
Sing or say the words to “The World Is So Big” (Children’s Songbook, p. 235). Help the children do the actions indicated below:
The world is so big and, oh, so round (form a large circle with arms),
And in it God’s creations are found;
Mountains (put hands in mountain shape over head)
And valleys (put hands palms down in front of body)
And trees so tall (stretch arms up tall),
Animals big (reach up)
And animals small (reach down).
Stars shining brightly through all the night (straighten and wiggle fingers),
Sun in the day so warm and so bright (form a large circle with arms).
The world is so big and, oh, so round.
God loves us all; our blessings abound (grasp arms and hug self).
Help the children do the actions to the following finger play while you say the words:
God’s Creation
God made the moon (make a circle with hands)
And winking stars (open and close hands)
And put them in the sky (reach up).
He made the sun (make a circle with arms overhead)
And trees (hold arms straight up)
And flowers (cup hands)
And little birds that fly (wave arms).
(From Fascinating Finger Fun by Eleanor Doan. © 1951. Used by permission.)