“Lesson 1: Happiness Comes from Choosing the Right,” Primary 2: Choose the Right A (1995), 1–5
“Lesson 1,” Primary 2, 1–5
Lesson 1
Happiness Comes from Choosing the Right
To help each child understand that happiness comes from choosing the right.
Prayerfully study Matthew 5:6 and 3 Nephi 12:6. See also Doctrine and Covenants 58:27 and Gospel Principles (31110), chapter 4.
Make a CTR chart. Attach picture 2-1, Jesus with a Child, to a larger piece of paper or posterboard. Print the letters CTR above the picture and the words I will choose the right underneath the picture. Save this chart for use in future lessons.
Talk with each child’s parents to learn a few details about each child to share with the class.
Prepare to sing or say the words to “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, p. 160. The words to this song are included at the back of the manual.
Materials needed:
A Bible or a Book of Mormon.
Chalk, chalkboard, and eraser.
A CTR ring for every child who does not already have one (see “Class Information” in “Helps for the Teacher,” p. vii).
A copy or tracing of the CTR shield (found at the front of the manual) for each child.
Crayons and scissors.
A long piece of yarn for each child.
Make the necessary preparations for any enrichment activities you want to use.
Suggested Lesson Development
Give the opening prayer, expressing your love for Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the children in the class.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love Us
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Want Us to Be Happy
Choosing the Right Brings Happiness
CTR Stands for Choose the Right
We Can Remember to Choose the Right
CTR chart
Refer to the picture of Jesus Christ on the CTR chart. Tell the children that this year in Primary they will learn about many of the things Jesus did and taught while he was on the earth. Explain that Jesus always chose the right, and he wants us to choose the right so we will be happy and so we can help others be happy. Have the children stand and say together the words on the CTR chart: “I will choose the right.”
Help the children sing or say the words to “Choose the Right Way.” Repeat the song a few times until the children are able to sing or say some of the words on their own.
CTR ring
Pass out the CTR rings to those children who do not already have one (if CTR rings are unavailable, skip to the CTR shield activity and discuss the letters on the shield). Have all the children look at their rings.
What do the initials on this ring stand for? (Choose the right.)
Tell the children that their CTR rings can help them remember that Jesus wants them to choose the right.
CTR shield activity
Give each child crayons and a copy of the CTR shield to color. Help each child cut out the shield and make a small hole in the top to thread a piece of yarn through. Tie a knot in the yarn so the child can wear the shield around his or her neck.
Review discussion
What does CTR mean?
What does it mean to choose the right?
Who loves each of us and wants us to be happy? (Heavenly Father; Jesus Christ.)
What do Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to do so we can be happy?
Bear your testimony that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and want us to be happy. Tell the children that we can find peace and happiness by following Heavenly Father and Jesus and choosing the right.
Compliment the children for choosing the right by coming to Primary, and encourage them to attend each week.
Encourage the children to memorize the words on the CTR chart (“I will choose the right”) during the coming week.
Invite a child to give the closing prayer.
Enrichment Activities
Choose from the following activities those that will work best for the children in your class. You can use them in the lesson itself or as a review or summary. For additional guidance, see “Class Time” in “Helps for the Teacher.”
Explain to the children that in Primary this year they will be learning many things about choosing the right.
Display picture 2-4, The Pre-earth Life; picture 2-24, Calling of the Fishermen; and picture 2-39, The Prophet Joseph Smith. Tell the children that they will learn about some important people who chose the right. Give a brief preview of each picture.
To help the children get to know each other better, write each child’s name on a piece of paper and put the papers in a container. Let each child choose a name from the container and give clues about the person whose name was drawn until the rest of the class guesses who it is. Clues could include statements such as “This person smiles a lot,” “This person is wearing blue,” or “This person has black hair.”
Describe some actions that the children might take. Ask the children to stand up if the action represents a right choice and to sit down if the action represents a wrong choice. Use the following examples or create some of your own:
Get up early so you will be ready for church on time.
Complain loudly when you don’t get what you want for breakfast.
Help your little sister find her lost shoe.
Say “hello” to the new child in your Primary class.
Stamp your feet noisily as you enter the meetinghouse.
Think about Jesus Christ during the sacrament.
Listen quietly to the lesson in your Primary class.