Pencils or crayons and a piece of paper for each child.
Chalkboard, chalk, and eraser.
Picture 2-45, Ten Lepers (Gospel Art Picture Kit 221; 62150).
Make the necessary preparations for any enrichment activities you want to use.
Note: Make a special effort during this lesson to say “thank you” to the children when it is appropriate.
Suggested Lesson Development
Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
Follow up with the children if you encouraged them to do something during the week.
We Can Use Two Special Words
We Can Thank Others
We Can Say “Thank You” in Many Ways
Invite a child to give the closing prayer.
Enrichment Activities
Choose from the following activities those that will work best for the children in your class. You can use them in the lesson itself or as a review or summary. For additional guidance, see “Class Time” in “Helps for the Teacher.”
Ask the children to stand and move their chairs apart so they will have room to walk around their chairs.
Help the children sing or say the words to the first verse and chorus of “I Have Two Ears” (Children’s Songbook, p. 269), using the actions indicated below:
I have two ears to hear the truth (point to ears),
Two eyes to see the good (point to eyes).
I have two feet to carry me
To places where they should (walk around the chair).
I’ll try to use them wisely
In my work and play (pretend to bounce ball).
I thank my Heav’nly Father
For making me this way (sit down, fold arms, and bow head).
Thread a button or ring on a piece of string or yarn long enough for all the children to hold, and tie the ends of the string together. Have the children sit in a circle and close their hands over the string. Have them pass the button or ring from child to child until you say, “Stop.” The child who has the button or ring at that point says, “I am thankful to (person’s name) for (something).” Continue the game until every child has had at least one opportunity to respond.
Sing or say the words to “I’m Thankful to Be Me” (Children’s Songbook, p. 11).
At night, when I’m alone in bed,
I close my eyes and see
The many things I’m thankful for
That God has given me.
I see my friends and teachers, too,
And others who love me.
These many blessings make me feel
So thankful to be me.
Prepare salt dough for the children to make into the shape of something that they are thankful for (a salt dough recipe can be found on page 43). Ask them to take their creations home and put them close to where they say their prayers. Then they will be reminded to thank Heavenly Father in prayer for their blessings.
Tell the story of the Jaredites in their barges, as found in Ether 2:16–18 and Ether 6:4–11. You may want to illustrate the barges by placing two matching bowls together at the rims.
Ask the children to imagine that the Lord has told them and their families to build barges like the Jaredites’. Ask them to pretend they have been out on the ocean in these small barges for almost a year. They have been tossed in the ocean and at times have been totally submerged. There are many animals in the barges as well.
How would you feel about taking a trip like that?
Read aloud Ether 6:9 to see how the Jaredites felt about their trip. Help the children understand that even when we are going through difficult times, we have many things to be thankful for. If we are sick, for example, we can be thankful for the people who take care of us. If we are always looking for things to be thankful for, we will see our many blessings.
During the next week, send thank-you notes to the children in your class, telling each one how much you appreciate having him or her in your class. Mention something specific that each child has done that has helped the class.