“Lesson 42: Moroni and His Writings,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon (1997), 148–51
“Lesson 42,” Primary 4, 148–51
Lesson 42
Moroni and His Writings
To help the children want to choose good over evil so they may be blessed with charity, the pure love of Christ.
Prayerfully study Mormon 8:2–6 and Moroni 1, 7–8. Then study the lesson and decide how you want to teach the children the scripture account. (See “Preparing Your Lessons,” p. vi, and “Teaching from the Scriptures,” p. vii.)
Select the discussion questions and enrichment activities that will involve the children and best help them achieve the purpose of the lesson.
Materials needed:
A Book of Mormon for each child.
Picture 4-51, Mormon Bids Farewell to a Once Great Nation (Gospel Art Picture Kit 319; 62043).
Suggested Lesson Development
Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
Enrichment Activities
You may use one or more of the following activities any time during the lesson or as a review, summary, or challenge.
For this activity you will need a piece of tin and a nail. (A large lid from a can might work for the piece of tin. Cover all sharp edges with tape.) Have the children take turns using the nail to scratch a letter or two of the following words: Now I, Moroni … on the piece of metal or tin. Express your appreciation for the Book of Mormon record keepers, who engraved the words of God on metal plates.
Use the following or similar examples of choices that apply to your class. Have the children use Moroni 7:16 to help them choose good from evil.
You are playing ball with your friends when a child who does not play well wants to join your team. Your friends tell you if this person plays on your team you will lose the game. You consider telling the child not to play with you. Ask yourself, “Does this choice invite me to do good and to believe in Jesus Christ?”
You are watching a movie that has an immoral scene that lasts only a few seconds. You feel embarrassed to leave the movie. Ask yourself, “Does watching this movie invite me to do good and to believe in Jesus Christ?”
You are in a store when the clerk makes a mistake and doesn’t charge you the right amount for the item you are buying. You know that the item costs more than what you were charged, but the clerk made the error. Ask yourself, “Does paying the wrong price invite me to do good and to believe in Jesus Christ?”
Your bishop has asked you to read the Book of Mormon every day. Sometimes scripture words are hard for you to understand. Ask yourself, “Does reading the scriptures every day help me to do good and persuade me to believe in Christ?”
Explain the qualities of charity found in Moroni 7:45 using terms the children can understand. You could have the children match Moroni’s descriptions with your explanations.
Suffereth long: Is patient
Kind: Not cruel or mean, loving
Envieth not: Is not jealous
Not puffed up: Humble, not proud
Seeketh not her own: Is unselfish
Not easily provoked: Slow to anger, quick to forgive
Thinketh no evil: Is trusting, looks for the good
Rejoiceth in truth: Is honest
Beareth all things: Is obedient
Believeth all things: Is faithful
Hopeth all things: Is optimistic, trusting
Endureth all things: Is patient, persistent
Moroni had the pure love of Christ. Help the children find some of the following examples of Moroni’s charity, or use some of the following examples as you tell the children the story of Moroni.
Suffereth long: Moroni lived alone for over thirty-six years patiently keeping the records. (Mormon 8:5.)
Kind: Moroni prayed for us, and he loved his brethren. (Ether 12:36, 38.)
Envieth not: Moroni saw our day and counseled us to not be envious or proud. (Mormon 8:35–37.)
Not puffed up: Moroni was humble because of his weakness in writing. (Ether 12:23–25.)
Seeketh not her own: Moroni unselfishly worked and prayed for us that we would have a knowledge of Jesus Christ. (Mormon 9:36; Ether 12:41.)
Not easily provoked: Moroni forgave his enemies and worked hard to write things that he hoped would be of worth to them. (Moroni 1:4.)
Thinketh no evil: Moroni exhorted us to hold to good and touch not evil. (Moroni 10:30.)
Rejoiceth in truth: Moroni was honest. (Moroni 10:27.)
Beareth all things: Because Moroni would not deny Jesus Christ, he had to wander alone for his safety. (Moroni 1:2–3.)
Believeth all things: Moroni encouraged us to believe in Jesus Christ. (Mormon 9:21.) So great was Moroni’s faith that he was able to see Christ face to face. (Ether 12:39.)
Hopeth all things: Moroni understood the importance of hope. (Ether 12:32.)
Endureth all things: Moroni was faithful to the end. (Moroni 10:34.)
Moroni received a letter from his father when Moroni was first called to the ministry. As part of the letter Mormon expressed his love, appreciation, and concern for his son (see Moroni 8:2–3). Before class have a parent, or an adult relative or friend, of each of the children in your class write a letter of love and appreciation. Give these letters to the children as you explain the love that Mormon had for his son, Moroni. Point out that Moroni valued this letter; he carried it with him as he fled from his enemies. Suggest that the children save their letters as a reminder to continue to do good things which will please their parents and the Lord.
Review the thirteenth article of faith.
Sing or read the words to “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, p. 78).