Lesson 45: Paul’s Journey to Rome

“Lesson 45: Paul’s Journey to Rome,” Primary 7: New Testament (1997), 158–161

“Lesson 45,” Primary 7: New Testament, 158–161

Lesson 45

Paul’s Journey to Rome


To help each child learn more about the gifts of the Spirit, which come through the Holy Ghost.


  1. Prayerfully study Acts 27:1–28:9, 1 Corinthians 12:1–11, and Articles of Faith 1:7. Then study the lesson and decide how you want to teach the children the scripture account. (See “Preparing Your Lessons,” p. vi, and “Teaching from the Scriptures,” p. vii.)

  2. Additional reading: Gospel Principles, chapter 22.

  3. Select the discussion questions and enrichment activities that will involve the children and best help them achieve the purpose of the lesson.

  4. Materials needed:

    1. A Bible or a New Testament for each child.

    2. A Pearl of Great Price or copy of the Articles of Faith for each child.

Suggested Lesson Development

Invite a child to give the opening prayer.

Attention Activity

Tell the children about a special gift you have received for a holiday or a birthday. Then ask the children to talk about some of the gifts they have received.

  • What gift do we receive when we become members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? (The gift of the Holy Ghost.)

Let the children tell what they know about the gift of the Holy Ghost. Explain that in addition to receiving the guidance and direction of the Holy Ghost, each member of the Church of Jesus Christ is entitled to other spiritual gifts. Have the children find the Articles of Faith in the Pearl of Great Price and look for the article of faith that mentions spiritual gifts. Write on the chalkboard the spiritual gifts mentioned as the children read or recite the seventh article of faith. Encourage the children to listen to the account of Paul’s journey to Rome to discover several gifts he was given and was able to use to help others.

Scripture Account

Briefly review last week’s lesson so that the children remember why Paul was a prisoner on his way to Rome. Then teach the children the account of Paul’s journey to Rome from Acts 27:1–28:9. (For suggested ways to teach the scripture account, see “Teaching from the Scriptures,” p. vii.) If you have the LDS edition of the Bible, refer to map 22 while you are teaching the scripture account.

When you have finished teaching the scripture account, explain that Paul continued his journey to Rome, where he spent two years preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ even though he was still under arrest and confined to a house.

Discussion and Application Questions

Study the following questions and the scripture references as you prepare your lesson. Use the questions you feel will best help the children understand the scriptures and apply the principles in their lives. Reading the references with the children in class will help them gain insights into the scriptures.

  • What did Paul warn the people in the ship about? (Acts 27:10.) How did he know this? (The Holy Ghost revealed it to him.) Who did the centurion believe? (Acts 27:11.) Who was right? (Acts 27:14, 20.) When the prophet warns us of something, what should we do? Why?

  • How do you think the people in the ship felt when they thought the ship would be wrecked? What did Paul tell them? (Acts 27:21–22.) How did Paul know they would survive and arrive safely in Rome? (Acts 27:23–25.)

  • What happened to the ship? (Acts 27:40–41.) What did the soldiers want to do with the prisoners when the ship was wrecked? Why? (Acts 27:42.) Why did the centurion talk them out of doing this? (Acts 27:43.) Why did the centurion’s attitude toward Paul change? (Acts 27:11, 14, 21, 25, 31, 43.)

  • What happened to Paul while he was building a fire? (Acts 28:3.) Why did the others watch and wait for Paul to die? (Acts 28:4–6.) Why was Paul protected from the snakebite?

  • What did Paul do for those who were sick? (Acts 28:8–9.) Why was Paul able to do this? (Paul had the gift of healing. He also had the priesthood and he was an Apostle who had been given great spiritual gifts to help him fulfill the mission the Lord had given him. Emphasize the importance of using spiritual gifts to help others.)

  • Why was Paul able to foresee the future and heal the sick? (Paul had been baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, so he was entitled to special spiritual gifts.)

Help the children understand that all members of the Church are given the gift of the Holy Ghost. Have the children read 1 Corinthians 12:7–11. Discuss these gifts, and emphasize that every member of the Church is given a gift with which to bless others.

  • What gifts did Paul use on his journey to Rome? Why does Heavenly Father give us spiritual gifts? (1 Corinthians 12:7; D&C 46:9, 12, 26.)

  • How can we find out what gifts of the Spirit we have been given? (We can pray and fast to know what our special gifts are. We also may be told in our patriarchal blessings. As we obey the commandments and serve others throughout our lives, we will recognize our gifts.)

Enrichment Activities

You may use one or more of the following activities any time during the lesson or as a review, summary, or challenge.

  1. Write each of the gifts of the Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:7–10 on a separate slip of paper. Place them in a box wrapped like a gift and have the children each take a slip of paper and tell what gift it is. Discuss each gift briefly.

  2. Divide the class into small groups. Give each group one of the following or other appropriate scripture references. Have them decide which gift of the Spirit is being demonstrated and share their ideas with the class.

    • Acts 3:1–8 (Peter and John heal a man who is lame). The gift of healing.

    • Acts 14:8–10 (Paul heals a crippled man). The gift of healing.

    • Mark 5:25–34 (A woman touches the hem of Jesus’ robe). Faith to be healed.

    • Luke 2:25–26, 34–38 (Simeon and Anna prophesy of Jesus). The gift of prophecy. While discussing the gift of prophecy, explain that most of the events concerning the birth, mission, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ were foretold by those who had the gift of prophecy.

    • Acts 9:1–20 (Paul is converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ). The gift of knowing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    • Acts 2:4–18 (The disciples receive the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost). The gift of tongues and the gift of prophecy.

    • How can each of these gifts bless our lives?

  3. You may wish to explain that Satan tries to duplicate the gifts of the Spirit. For example, the magicians in Pharaoh’s court were able to copy some of the miracles of Moses and Aaron (Exodus 7:10–13). Explain that we must live righteously and have the Spirit so we will not be deceived. Remind the children that spiritual gifts are given through the gift of the Holy Ghost to bless our lives (see Gospel Principles, chapter 22).

  4. Help the children memorize the seventh article of faith.

  5. Tell one of the following stories:

    Jane’s Gift

    “Early one morning Jane Grover, Grandfather Tanner, and his granddaughter left their pioneer camp near Council Bluffs, Iowa, to gather wild gooseberries. Grandfather tired easily and soon went back to the wagon to rest, but the girls found many green juicy berries and stayed to fill their buckets.

    “Suddenly wild shrieks split the quiet morning air. Racing to the wagon, the girls were horrified to see a group of Indians stripping off Grandfather’s clothes. They had taken his watch and knife and were trying to drive off the horses.

    “One Indian grabbed the smaller girl, who started crying in fright; another lunged at Jane and tried to roughly drag her away with him. Struggling to free herself, she gasped out a short and fervent prayer for help.

    “Almost instantly Jane experienced a power far beyond anything she had ever known. Calmly she began speaking in a tone of voice which made the Indians drop their captives and stop to listen. In complete amazement, they heard this young girl talking in their own language, begging them to remember the Great Spirit, who would not want them to harm their white friends. Grandfather and the little girl were speechless with surprise. None of their party knew any words of this strange tongue, yet here was Jane speaking with ease and with authority as if she had known it all her life. The Indians nodded their heads and gave back the watch, knife and clothes they had taken. Then they shook hands with all and rode quietly away” (retold by Lucile C. Reading, “Shining Moments,” Children’s Friend, July 1941, p. 41).

    • What spiritual gift did Jane Grover receive? (The gift of tongues.) Why was she able to speak to the Indians in their own language? (She had prayed for Heavenly Father’s help; she sought the gift.)

    John’s Healing

    “Eleven-year-old John Roothoof [was a member of the Church who] lived in Rotterdam, Holland. He had once been happy going to school and church, playing with his friends, and doing all the things a boy enjoys. Then, without warning, a painful eye disease caused him to lose his sight. No longer could he go to school or read. He could not even see well enough to play with his friends. Each day was filled with darkness and suffering.

    “Word reached the Latter-day Saints in Holland that President Joseph F. Smith [sixth President of the Church] was coming to visit them. John thought about this for a long time, and then he said to his mother, ‘The prophet has the most power of any man on earth. If you’ll take me with you to the meeting so he can look into my eyes, I believe I’ll be healed.’

    “At the close of the meeting the next Sunday, President Smith went to the back of the small chapel to greet the people and shake hands with each one. Sister Roothoof helped John, his eyes bandaged, go with the others to speak to their beloved leader.

    “President Smith took the blind boy by the hand and then with great tenderness lifted the bandages and looked into John’s pain-filled eyes. The prophet blessed John and promised him he would see again.

    “Arriving home, John’s mother took the bandages from his eyes so she could bathe them as the doctors had told her to do. As she did so, John cried out with joy, ‘Oh, Mamma, my eyes are well. I can see fine now—and far too. And I can’t feel any pain!’” (“President Smith Took Him by the Hand,” Friend, Aug. 1973, p. 36).

    • What spiritual gift did John Roothoof receive? (The faith to be healed.) What made it possible for John to be healed? (He sought the gift of healing and had faith in the prophet’s gift to heal him.)



Testify that we all have gifts of the Spirit that Heavenly Father has given to us. Share your gratitude for the gifts you have been given. If appropriate, share a personal experience (or invite someone else to share a personal experience) about using a spiritual gift you have been given. Help the children feel the potential they have for doing good by discovering and using the gifts of the Spirit given to them.

Suggested Home Reading

Suggest that the children study Acts 28:1–11 at home as a review of this lesson.

Invite a child to give the closing prayer.
