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Book of Mormon Coloring Book
The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
Title Page
Nephi Obtained the Brass Plates
1 Nephi 3–5
The Tree of Life
1 Nephi 8
The Liahona
1 Nephi 16
Nephi Built a Boat
1 Nephi 17–18
Laman and Lemuel Bound Nephi
1 Nephi 18
The Doctrine of Christ
2 Nephi 31
Allegory of the Olive Tree
Jacob 5
Enos’s Prayer
Enos 1
King Benjamin’s Speech
Mosiah 2–5
Abinadi and King Noah
Mosiah 11–17
Alma Baptized at the Waters of Mormon
Mosiah 18
Alma the Younger
Mosiah 27
Alma and Amulek in Prison
Alma 14
Ammon and the King’s Sheep
Alma 17
Abish Gathered the People
Alma 19
The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Buried Their Weapons
Alma 23–24
Alma Compared the Word to a Seed
Alma 32
Moroni’s Title of Liberty
Alma 46
The Nephites’ Fortifications
Alma 49
The Stripling Warriors
Alma 56–57
The Pride Cycle
Helaman 6
Samuel the Lamanite
Helaman 13–15
Jesus Appeared to the Nephites
3 Nephi 11
Jesus Blessed the Children
3 Nephi 17
Jesus Introduced the Sacrament to the Nephites
3 Nephi 18
The Twelve Nephite Disciples
3 Nephi 28
Ammaron Taught Mormon about the Sacred Records
Mormon 1
Mormon Put Together Sacred Writings
Words of Mormon 1
The Brother of Jared Saw the Lord’s Finger
Ether 2–3
The Jaredite Barges
Ether 6
Moroni Buried the Gold Plates
Moroni 10
Table of Contents
“Cover,” of Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon (2019)