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New Testament Coloring Book
Jesus’s Birth
Luke 2
Jesus’s Childhood
Jesus’s Baptism
Matthew 3 (Mark 1; Luke 3; John 1)
The Woman at the Well
John 4
Fishers of Men
Matthew 4 (Mark 1; Luke 5)
Jesus Healed a Sick Man
Mark 2 (Matthew 9; Luke 5)
The Twelve Apostles
Matthew 10 (Mark 3; Luke 6)
Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 5–7 (Luke 6)
The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
Matthew 7 (Luke 6)
Parable of the Sower
Matthew 13 (Mark 4; Luke 8)
Jesus Raised Jairus’s Daughter from the Dead
Mark 5 (Matthew 9; Luke 8)
Jesus Walked on Water
Matthew 14 (Mark 6; John 6)
Jesus Tells a Woman to Sin No More
John 8
The Good Samaritan
Luke 10
The Prodigal Son
Luke 15
Jesus Raised Lazarus from the Dead
John 11
The Ten Lepers
Luke 17
Jesus Blessed the Children
Mark 10 (Matthew 19; Luke 18)
Jesus’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
Matthew 21 (Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12)
The Two Great Commandments
Matthew 22 (Mark 12)
The Widow’s Mite
Mark 12 (Luke 21)
The Ten Virgins
Matthew 25
Parable of the Talents
The Last Supper
Matthew 26 (Mark 14; Luke 22)
Jesus’s Trial before Pilate
Luke 23 (Matthew 27; Mark 15; John 18; 19)
Jesus’s Crucifixion
Luke 23 (Matthew 27; Mark 15; John 19)
Jesus’s Burial
Luke 23; 24 (Matthew 27; 28; Mark 15; 16; John 19; 20)
The Risen Christ Appeared to Mary Magdalene
John 20 (Mark 16)
Two Disciples on the Road to Emmarus
Luke 24 (Mark 16; John 20)
Paul’s Conversion
Acts 9
The Apostles’ Epistles
Romans 1–16
Table of Contents
“Cover,” of Scripture Stories Coloring Book—New Testament (2019)