Strengthening New Members
Strengthening New and Returning Members

“Strengthening New and Returning Members,” Strengthening New and Returning Members (2020)

“Strengthening New and Returning Members,” Strengthening New and Returning Members

Strengthening New and Returning Members

Members and missionaries play a vital role in helping new and returning members continue on the covenant path. Elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies are responsible for the day-to-day missionary efforts in the ward, including the nurturing of new and returning members. Under the direction of the stake president and bishop, elders quorum and Relief Society presidents are responsible for ensuring that ward leaders and ministering brothers and sisters receive and act on the instruction that follows.

For new and returning members to stay on the covenant path, it is essential for them to (1) feel that they belong through strengthened relationships with God and other members, (2) believe in Jesus Christ and strengthen their faith in Him, and (3) become disciples of Christ through key experiences.

The following activities will help you teach other members how to use new resources to assist in this effort. These activities may be done in a stake or ward council setting with the full-time missionaries. The first two sections should also be given to ministering companionships assigned to new members.

Chart: Helping New Members Stay on the Covenant Path

  1. Open Gospel Library (the app or the web page) and go to Handbooks and Callings, then Ward or Branch Callings, and then Strengthening New Members. (The materials you will need for this training are found in this section.) Open and review “Helping New Members Stay on the Covenant Path.” As a companionship or group, discuss:

    • Why are these experiences key for helping people enter and stay on the covenant path?

  2. Watch the video segment “The Bush Family Story” (in the Strengthening New Members Videos section).

    As you watch the video, look for how the items on the chart under “Before Baptism,” “Soon after Baptism,” and “Within the First Year” are applied. Discuss:

    • What are we doing well to help new and returning members progress?

    • What are one or two areas we feel we can improve in?

  3. Watch the video segment “The Importance of Friendships.” Discuss:

    • Why is having genuine friendships with members one of the strongest factors in helping new and returning members enter and stay on the covenant path?

    • How can we help build genuine friendships as early as possible? How can we maintain these friendships?

  4. Watch the video segment “Working Together.” Discuss:

    • How did the members and missionaries work together to meet the needs of the Bush family?

    • What could be improved in our unit to have members and missionaries work together more effectively in these efforts?

My Covenant Path

  1. In the same section in Gospel Library, open My Covenant Path and go to the “My Covenant Path” introduction. Read this page together and discuss how My Covenant Path could be used to help new and returning members. Review at least two experiences within My Covenant Path. Discuss:

  2. Plan how you will help new and returning members you are ministering to get access to My Covenant Path. If they use an Android device, they can download the app from the Google Play store here. If they use an iOS device, they can download the app from the Apple App Store here. You might provide a print copy. (Note: New and returning members can find My Covenant Path in the Adults, New, or Returning Members audience collection of Gospel Library.)

Covenant Path Progress

The bishopric and elders quorum and Relief Society presidents can access and update the progress of a new member through Covenant Path Progress.

  1. Open the Member Tools app (or Leader and Clerk Resources [LCR] online), go to Reports, and then choose Covenant Path Progress. This view displays basic information about those who have been baptized and live in your unit within the last two years. Review the list of new members and discuss how they are progressing.

  2. Select the name of a new member (or select View Details in LCR and iOS). Additional information about the individual’s progress is displayed. Discuss:

    • What is the relationship between this information and My Covenant Path?

    • What needs to happen to help each of our new members progress?

  3. Information can be updated in the app by the bishopric (including clerks and secretaries), elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies, the new member, the ward mission leader, an assistant ward mission leader, and ward missionaries. When missionaries add information to Area Book Planner, Covenant Path Progress is updated automatically. To familiarize yourself with this, select the name of a new member (or select View Details in LCR and iOS) and perform tasks such as the following:

    • Record sacrament meeting attendance. (Note: If the new member is unable to attend sacrament meeting due to health reasons, mark the circle if the new member has been able to have the sacrament at home or attend sacrament meeting through remote means.)

    • Add the name of a friend to the new member’s information.

    • Update the principles taught (postbaptism missionary lessons).

    • Make sure the information about ministering brothers and sisters is correct.

  4. The following leaders have view access only to Covenant Path Progress information:

    • Stake presidencies, including clerks and secretaries

    • High councilors

    • Stake Relief Society presidencies

    • Mission presidency, including the companion and clerks and secretaries, through Leader and Clerk Resources only

    • Ward temple and family history leaders

    • Primary, Young Women, and Sunday School presidency members

  5. In-app notifications will appear when an individual’s Covenant Path Progress suggests lower involvement in Church activity.

  6. New members can also update their own progress. Have the new member locate their personal information from the directory in Member Tools. Next, have the new member tap on Covenant Path Progress. Consider showing the new member how to do so.

  7. Elders quorum and Relief Society presidents are responsible for making sure new member information is updated in a timely manner. They may delegate this responsibility. Discuss who will update new member information, how often (preferably at least weekly) it will be updated, and how Covenant Path Progress will be used in ward council and weekly coordination meetings.


  1. Show the video segment “How Temples and Family History Strengthen New Members.”

    Discuss how your efforts can help new and returning members stay on the covenant path (see John 15:16) and ultimately receive all the ordinances of salvation and exaltation. Plan what your unit will do to nurture new and returning members in your congregation.
