Encourage learners to come to know the Savior by studying the gospel daily—personal connection.

“Encourage learners to come to know the Savior by studying the gospel daily—personal connection,” Teacher Development Skills (2022)

“Encourage learners to come to know the Savior by studying the gospel daily—personal connection,” Teacher Development Skills

Invite Diligent Learning

Encourage learners to come to know the Savior by studying the gospel daily—personal connection.

Skill: Develop and ask questions that help learners connect what they have learned in their personal and family scripture study to the classroom experience.


To connect is to bring or join two things together. As teachers help learners connect their scripture study at home to the classroom, they are bringing or joining these two experiences together. There are many ways to do this. One way is to ask open-ended questions that (1) include students’ personal or family experiences with their scripture study at home, (2) explore how those experiences connect to what they are learning in class, and (3) give them time to reflect and remember what they studied at home.

You can also prepare discussion questions for class that will help students take what they are learning in the classroom and use it at home. These questions are similar. You invite students to think about what learning experiences they had in class that day and how it can be useful at home. These questions can help us become more home-centered and Church-supported in the classroom and prepare the students to have more learning experiences outside the classroom.


Questions that connect learning at home to experiences in the classroom:

  • What have you learned in class today that is connected to what you are learning at home?

  • What did you and your family learn about Jesus Christ this week?

  • What questions have come to you as you have discussed these scriptures?

  • What has been your favorite thing to learn as you or your family have studied these scripture passages?

Questions that connect learning in the classroom to experiences at home:

  • What did you learn today that would be a blessing to you and your family?

  • If you prepared a five-minute lesson on these truths, what would you focus on, and why?

  • What experiences did you have today that would be useful for your family? What would you change or do differently to suit your family’s needs?

Click here to see a video of this model.


Practice #1: Using the examples in the model (or one of your own), determine how you will connect what students are experiencing with their study at home to what they are experiencing in class based on the following example lessons.

Practice #2: Develop a question to connect what students are doing in the classroom to their experiences at home, based on the following example lessons.

Discuss or Ponder

  • What have you learned about inviting diligent learning through this experience?

  • What are other ways you have been able to connect what students are experiencing in their home study to what they experience in class?


Take three minutes before class each day for the next two weeks to look at a student’s name on your roll. As you see their name, ponder what he or she might be learning in personal and family study at home. During class, ask the class or that individual student one of the questions that you have practiced. You might also write down what you learn as you ask and listen.

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