Bear testimony often and invite learners to share their feelings, experiences, and testimonies.

“Bear testimony often and invite learners to share their feelings, experiences, and testimonies,” Teacher Development Skills (2022)

“Bear testimony often and invite learners to share their feelings, experiences, and testimonies,” Teacher Development Skills

Teach by the Spirit

Bear testimony often and invite learners to share their feelings, experiences, and testimonies.

Skill: Create prompts that help students verbalize their feelings, experiences, and testimony.


As students share their feelings, experiences, and testimonies, the Holy Ghost will bear witness of the truth of what they are saying, both to their own minds and hearts as well as to others. Prompts are one way to help them to share. These prompts typically include two parts: The first part invites students to ponder their feelings, experiences, and testimonies and can be connected to other teaching tools, such as pictures, questions, case studies, video clips, and hymns. The second part provides an opportunity for students to begin sharing. This might be done by inviting students to consider how they would complete a partial phrase. The essential feature of these prompts is that they help students connect with the Holy Ghost to help them begin thinking about a way to verbalize their feelings, experiences, and testimonies.


Picture Model

painting of Jesus Christ

You are teaching Doctrine and Covenants 45:1–5, and the principle is “Jesus Christ is our Advocate with the Father.” You show students this picture of Jesus Christ and use the prompt “If I could tell Jesus Christ one reason why I love Him, I would share …”

Hymn Model

You are singing “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” together as a class. You invite students to look for their favorite lines that help them complete this phrase: “I know that Jesus Christ lives to …”

Click here to see a video of this model.


Take the next five minutes and identify a picture, hymn, or video clip about Jesus Christ that connects to a principle or doctrine in an upcoming scripture block. Come up with a prompt that will help students think through and then share their feelings for, experiences with, or testimonies of Jesus Christ related to the selected principle or doctrine.

Discuss or Ponder

  • How can providing a prompt help learners share their feelings, experiences, and testimonies?

  • What have you learned about helping learners feel more confident in sharing meaningful testimonies and feelings?


Develop a prompt for each lesson this week that helps students share their feelings, experiences, and testimonies.

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