Help learners seek, recognize, and understand truths in the scriptures.

“Help learners seek, recognize, and understand truths in the scriptures,” Teacher Development Skills (2022)

“Help learners seek, recognize, and understand truths in the scriptures,” Teacher Development Skills

Teach the Doctrine

Help learners seek, recognize, and understand truths in the scriptures.

Skill: Create student self-evaluations that help them recognize their current understanding and abilities about scripture study skills.


Self-assessment is an important way students learn to exercise agency and take ownership of their learning experiences. Frequently having students assess their scripture study skills will help teachers know what type of learning experiences to create to help learners become self-reliant in their scripture study. These evaluations take many different forms, such as scales, open-ended phrases, or self-rating. They allow teachers to help students (1) evaluate their current scripture study experience, (2) identify what improvements they would like to make, and then (3) select a study skill that will help lead to their desired outcome.


The following are models of different types of self-evaluation concerning scripture study skills:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident do I feel about finding Jesus Christ in every chapter?

  • I think I could be better at finding Jesus Christ in every chapter if I …

  • A study skill that could help me find Jesus Christ in every chapter is …

Click here to see a video of this model.


Develop a student scripture study skills self-evaluation that includes the three elements listed in the “Define” section. Invite someone to review it and share how helpful they think it would be.

Discuss or Ponder

  • What are you learning about the importance of helping learners assess their own scripture study skills?

  • How can helping learners evaluate their scripture study skills increase their capacity to have a more meaningful experience with the word of God?


Invite students to self-assess their personal scripture study skills on a weekly basis between now and the end of the school year.

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