“Teach about Jesus Christ No Matter What You Are Teaching,” Teaching in the Savior’s Way: For All Who Teach in the Home and in the Church (2022)
“Teach about Jesus Christ No Matter What You Are Teaching,” Teaching in the Savior’s Way
Teaching in the Savior’s Way | Focus on Jesus Christ | Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Teach about Jesus Christ No Matter What You Are Teaching
There are many things to teach about in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ—principles, commandments, prophecies, and scripture stories. But all of these are branches of the same tree, for they all have one purpose: to help all people come unto Christ and be perfected in Him (see Jarom 1:11; Moroni 10:32). So no matter what you are teaching, remember that you are really teaching about Jesus Christ and how to become like Him. The Holy Ghost can help you learn to recognize truths about the Savior and His redeeming power in each gospel principle, commandment, and prophetic teaching (see Jacob 7:10–11).
Are you teaching about sacrifice? Consider exploring with learners how the sacrifices we make point our souls to the Savior’s “great and last sacrifice” (Alma 34:10). Are you teaching about unity? Consider discussing the unity Jesus Christ achieved with His Father and His invitation for us to be one with Them (see John 17). See every gospel topic as an opportunity to teach and learn about Jesus Christ.
Every commandment also provides this opportunity. Don’t just focus on the laws of the gospel—learn also about the Lawgiver. If you discuss the Word of Wisdom and stop at the dos and don’ts of healthy living, you miss the opportunity to ponder how deeply Jesus Christ must care about us—both our spiritual and physical well-being—to give us this law. Focus on how willing and anxious the Savior is to bless us with His power to help us live His laws. Every commandment He gives us reveals something about His mind and will and heart—find joy in discovering this together!
Emphasize the Example of Jesus Christ
We can place Jesus Christ at the center of teaching and learning by recognizing and emphasizing that He is the perfect example of all gospel principles. As disciples, we don’t just follow principles—we follow Jesus Christ. As we focus on the Savior’s perfect example, the Holy Ghost will testify of Him and inspire us to follow Him.
Imagine for a moment that you are teaching the principle of enduring to the end. A discussion about how the Savior is an example of enduring to the end could bring feelings of sweet reverence for Him. What might those you teach learn and feel from His example?
The Savior set a perfect example for all of us. He Healed Them All, by Michael Malm
Teach about the Titles, Roles, and Attributes of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ has many titles in the scriptures. Each one reflects one of His roles in God’s plan and teaches us about His divine attributes. You might consider exploring with learners what titles like Lamb of God, Advocate, Finisher of Our Faith, and Light of the World teach us about Jesus Christ. Also, as you help learners come to know more about the Savior, go beyond what He said and did to who He is and what role He desires to play in our lives. As you learn together about the Savior’s character and attributes, the Holy Ghost will deepen your understanding of and love for Him.
Look for Symbols That Testify of Jesus Christ
“All things,” the Lord declared, “are created and made to bear record of me” (Moses 6:63; see also 2 Nephi 11:4). With that truth in mind, we can learn to see a multitude of symbols in the scriptures that testify of the Savior. These symbols include things like bread, water, and light. Once we understand how these objects relate to the Savior, they can teach us of His power and attributes. You can even find parallels to the Savior’s life in the lives of prophets and other faithful men and women in the scriptures. Looking for symbols reveals truths about the Savior in places you might otherwise overlook.