Seminaries and Institutes
For Leaders—Helping Teachers Succeed

“For Leaders—Helping Teachers Succeed,” Teaching in the Savior’s Way: For All Who Teach in the Home and in the Church (2022)

“For Leaders—Helping Teachers Succeed,” Teaching in the Savior’s Way

Sunday school class

For Leaders—Helping Teachers Succeed

One-on-One Interactions

Often the best way to meet the unique needs of teachers is through one-on-one interactions. For example, as a leader, you could have a brief discussion with a teacher before or after class to discuss the principles of Teaching in the Savior’s Way. You could prepare for this discussion by watching the teacher teach. Seek to better understand the teacher’s strengths and discover ways you can offer support.

Building on a teacher’s strengths is as important as identifying opportunities for improvement. It is helpful to start discussions with teachers by asking them to consider for themselves what is going well and where they feel progress can be made.

As you meet with teachers, consider ways to strengthen them and encourage them with kindness and gratitude for the service they give.

people sitting at table in a meeting

Teacher Council Meetings—for Parents and Called Teachers

Each ward should hold quarterly teacher council meetings, both for parents and for called teachers in the ward. In these meetings, parents and other teachers can counsel together about principles of Christlike teaching (see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 13.4, 13.5, 17.4, 17.5, Gospel Library).

Both kinds of teacher council meetings are held once a quarter during the 50-minute class time on Sunday.

Teacher Council Meetings for Parents

Who Leads These Meetings? Usually, a member of the Sunday School presidency leads teacher council meetings for parents. However, the bishopric may assign other ward members to lead meetings on occasion.

The ward council, with assistance from the Sunday School presidency, oversees teacher council meetings for parents. They counsel together about the needs of parents and families, and they work together to determine which principles from Teaching in the Savior’s Way will best meet those needs.

Who Should Attend? The ward council determines whether to invite specific parents or to make attendance open to all who want to participate.

When Should These Meetings Be Held? Teacher council meetings for parents can be held on any Sunday, as determined by the ward council.

Teacher Council Meetings for Called Teachers

Who Leads These Meetings? Usually, a member of the Sunday School presidency leads teacher council meetings for called teachers. However, the bishopric may assign other ward members to lead meetings on occasion.

The ward council, with assistance from the Sunday School presidency, oversees teacher council meetings for called teachers. They counsel together about the needs of teachers and learners, and they work together to determine which principles from Teaching in the Savior’s Way will best meet those needs.

Who Should Attend? Everyone who teaches a quorum or class in the ward should attend teacher council meetings. Quorum and organization presidency members are also invited.

When Should These Meetings Be Held? Teachers attend teacher council meetings on a Sunday when they are not teaching their regular class.

  • Priesthood quorum, Relief Society, and Young Women teachers can attend on either the first or third Sunday, as determined by local leaders.

  • Sunday School teachers can attend on either the second or fourth Sunday, as determined by local leaders.

  • Primary teachers can attend on any Sunday, as determined by the ward Primary and Sunday School presidencies. If desired, Primary teachers may meet separately from other teachers to counsel about the unique aspects of teaching children. This can happen during the 20-minute singing time, before or after regular Sunday meetings, or on another day of the week. More than one teacher council meeting may be held quarterly for Primary teachers so that they do not all miss Primary classes in the same week. (Note: As needed, the Primary presidency assigns substitute teachers, combines classes, or makes other arrangements to allow Primary teachers to attend teacher council meetings.)

Format for the Meetings

Teacher council meetings—both for parents and for called teachers—follow this format:

  1. Share and counsel together (about 20 minutes). Invite parents or teachers to share what is working well as they teach the gospel at home or in their classes. They could also share challenges they are facing or things they would like to improve.

  2. Learn together (about 15 minutes). Discuss with parents or teachers one of the principles in Teaching in the Savior’s Way. Come, Follow Me may also be used as a resource for these discussions.

  3. Plan and invite (about 10 minutes). Invite parents or teachers to share what they learned during the meeting and how they plan to apply it.

people talking

For Leaders—Orienting and Supporting Teachers

As a leader, you have the responsibility to “meet with newly called teachers” in your organization and “help them prepare for their callings” (General Handbook, 17.3, Gospel Library). These meetings are an opportunity to introduce new teachers to their sacred callings and inspire them with a vision of what it means to teach in the Savior’s way. As a leader, you can help new teachers prepare to serve by doing the following:

  • Express confidence that the Savior will help them in their calling (see Doctrine and Covenants 88:78).

  • Give new teachers a copy of this resource, and encourage them to look for ways to apply its principles in their teaching.

  • Share with new teachers anything about your organization that would be helpful for them to know.

  • As needed, tell new teachers which room to teach in and what lesson to begin with. Provide any information they need about their class and class members.

  • Explain to new teachers that you can help them with their calling. Offer support in the classroom and access to teaching resources if needed.

  • Offer to observe teachers’ classes occasionally, and provide feedback as prompted by the Spirit.

  • Invite teachers to participate in quarterly teacher council meetings.

Throughout the teachers’ service, continue to meet with them periodically to give ongoing support. For example, you could have a brief discussion with a teacher before or after class to discuss the principles of Teaching in the Savior’s Way. Ask the teacher about what they feel they are doing well and ways they would like to improve. Encourage them with kindness and with gratitude for the service they give.

You should prepare for these discussions by watching the teacher teach. Seek to better understand the teacher’s strengths and discover ways you can offer support. Building on a teacher’s strengths is just as important as identifying opportunities for improvement.
