“Lesson 4: Teach the Doctrine,” Teaching, No Greater Call: A Resource Guide for Gospel Teaching (1999), 203–7
“Lesson 4,” Teaching, No Greater Call, 203–7
Lesson 4
Teach the Doctrine
To help class members understand the power that comes from studying and teaching the doctrines of the gospel, which are found in the scriptures and the teachings of latter-day prophets.
Note to the Teacher
As you prepare to teach this lesson, pray for guidance to teach effectively from the scriptures and the teachings of latter-day prophets. As prompted by the Holy Ghost, talk about the effect the doctrines of the gospel have had in your life as you have studied and taught them.
Prayerfully study the scripture passages in this lesson. Seek to apply them to the purpose of the lesson.
Study the section in this book titled “Teach the Doctrine” (pages 49–59) and the following in the “Gospel Teaching and Leadership” section of the Church Handbook of Instructions: “Teach the Saving Doctrines and Ordinances of the Gospel” (page 301), “Teach from the Scriptures and the Teachings of Latter-day Prophets” (page 302), and “Use Church-Approved Lesson Materials” (page 304).
Invite a class member or another member of the ward to come to class prepared to talk about how learning a specific doctrine of the gospel has influenced his or her life.
If current Church-produced lesson manuals are available, bring a few of them to class.
Before class, write the following on the chalkboard:
Suggested Lesson Development
The Lord has commanded us to “teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom.” The doctrine can have a powerful effect on our minds and hearts.
We should focus our teaching on the doctrine.
We should ensure that we teach correct doctrine.
The Lord promises us great blessings as we diligently learn and teach His doctrine.
Ask class members to write in their notebooks one specific thing they will do to follow the counsel in these scripture passages. Also, ask them to write about how they feel this action will help them receive the Lord’s blessings in their responsibilities to teach.
As prompted by the Spirit, testify of the power that comes from studying and teaching the doctrines of the gospel.
In connection with the notebook assignment during the lesson, strive to do one thing in the coming week to improve their personal gospel study. Write about their progress related to this goal.
Review the principles taught in this lesson by studying the section in this book titled “Teach the Doctrine” (pages 49–59).