“Lesson 28 Class Preparation Material: Come unto Christ,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material (2021)
“Lesson 28 Class Preparation Material,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material
Lesson 28 Class Preparation Material
Come unto Christ
President Russell M. Nelson observed, “Study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose—to testify of Jesus Christ. By comparison, all other issues are incidental” (“A Testimony of the Book of Mormon,” Ensign, Nov. 1999, 69). How has your study of the Book of Mormon helped you to come closer to Jesus Christ? As you study, ask yourself what you can do to more fully come unto Him.
Section 1
What power am I entitled to if I build my foundation on Jesus Christ?
By 30 BC the Nephites “had fallen into a state of unbelief and awful wickedness” and were “ripening for destruction” (Helaman 4:25; 5:2). Weary because of the people’s wickedness, Nephi resigned from the judgment seat and, with his brother Lehi, devoted the rest of his life to preaching the gospel (see Helaman 5:4). Before they left on their mission, they remembered important counsel they had received from their father, Helaman.
Study in Preparation for Class
Read Helaman 5:9–12, looking for what Helaman taught his sons about why they needed to build their lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ.
Ponder in Preparation for Class
Helaman described the challenges of life using the imagery of storms. What storms are you facing that you could use the Lord’s help with?
While serving in the Relief Society General Presidency, Sister Sheri L. Dew taught why Jesus Christ is our only sure foundation:
Left to his own devices, the natural man inevitably succumbs to Satan (see Mosiah 3:19), who abandons his prey once he lures them from the straight and narrow path. But the Savior will guide those who follow Him all the way home. …
The Lord knows the way because He is the way and is our only chance for successfully negotiating mortality. His Atonement makes available all of the power, peace, light, and strength that we need to deal with life’s challenges—those ranging from our own mistakes and sins to trials over which we have no control but we still feel pain.
… He promised that if we will build our lives upon His rock, the devil will have no power over us [see Helaman 5:12]. And He has vowed that He will never leave us or forsake us [see Hebrews 13:5]. There is simply no mortal equivalent. Not in terms of commitment, power, or love. He is our only chance. (“Our Only Chance,” Ensign, May 1999, 66–67)
Ponder in Preparation for Class
How has building your foundation on Jesus Christ helped you to withstand the storms that have come into your life?
Section 2
What can I do to come unto Jesus Christ?
In the final chapter of the Book of Mormon, Moroni invites all people to come unto Jesus Christ.
Study in Preparation for Class
Read Moroni 10:30, 32–33, looking for what Moroni said results from our choice to come unto Jesus Christ.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained what it means to “come unto Christ” (Moroni 10:30, 32):
Coming unto Christ is an abbreviation, a way of describing in three words the plan of salvation. It means to obtain the fruits of His Atonement and Resurrection—ultimately eternal life. Eternal life depends on the exercise of our moral agency, but it is possible only through the grace of Jesus Christ. To come unto Him means to do what is required to lay hold upon that grace—the pardoning, sanctifying, transforming, redeeming power of His infinite, atoning sacrifice. (“Why We Share the Gospel,” Ensign, Aug. 2014, 37)
President Tad R. Callister, who served as Sunday School General President, explained the Lord’s grace this way:
Because of His Atonement, the Savior has enabling powers, sometimes referred to as grace [see Bible Dictionary, “Grace”; see also Guide to the Scriptures, “Grace,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org], that can help us overcome our weaknesses and imperfections and thus assist us in our pursuit to become more like Him.
Moroni so taught: “Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, … that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ” [Moroni 10:32]. There seem at least two channels or means of availing ourselves of those enabling powers that can refine—even perfect—us.
First, the saving ordinances. … Sometimes we may think of ordinances as a checklist—necessary for exaltation; but in truth each unleashes a godly power that helps us become more like Christ. …
A second channel for these enabling powers is the gifts of the Spirit. Because of Christ’s Atonement, we are eligible to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and its accompanying spiritual gifts. These gifts are attributes of godliness; therefore, each time we acquire a gift of the Spirit, we become more like God. (“The Atonement of Jesus Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 87)
Ponder in Preparation for Class
Think about what you can accomplish with the Lord’s enabling power, or grace. What are you doing to invite the Lord’s grace and help in your life?
Section 3
How has the Book of Mormon brought me to Jesus Christ and helped me remain faithful to Him?
When Moroni abridged the Jaredite record that is now part of the Book of Mormon, he expressed his concern that future readers would “mock at these things, because of our weakness in writing” (Ether 12:23). The Lord comforted Moroni by declaring, “My grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness” (Ether 12:26). Moroni then prayed for the Gentiles, testified that he had seen Jesus, and offered an important invitation to all who would eventually read the Book of Mormon (see Ether 12:36–41).
Study in Preparation for Class
Read Ether 12:41, and consider how you have responded to Moroni’s invitation during this course.
Record Your Thoughts
As you prepare for the final class, think about how your study of the Book of Mormon has helped you to come unto Christ and become more like Him. Identify specific thoughts, feelings, impressions, or experiences that have increased your testimony and deepened your conversion. Record your thoughts.
To prepare for your last day of class, select and complete one of the following activities:
Option 1: Select a passage or teaching from the Book of Mormon that has been especially powerful in helping you to come unto Christ, and record how it has influenced you.
Option 2: Identify an individual in the Book of Mormon whose example has helped you to better understand what it means to come unto Christ, and record what you have learned.
Option 3: Ponder how your recent study of the Book of Mormon has inspired you to come unto Christ. Record how your testimony has grown and how your conversion to the Savior has been strengthened.
After recording your thoughts and feelings, prayerfully consider who might be blessed by what you have written and share it with them. Also, be prepared to share your thoughts during class.