undefined undefined Lesson 1 Teacher Material: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
Lesson 1 Teacher Material: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

“Lesson 1 Teacher Material: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material (2021)

“Lesson 1 Teacher Material,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material

Lesson 1 Teacher Material

The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

Bishop Gérald Caussé, Presiding Bishop, testified, “The central message of the Book of Mormon is to restore the true knowledge of the essential role of Jesus Christ in the salvation and exaltation of mankind” (“A Living Witness of the Living Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 39).

The Book of Mormon persuades us to believe in Jesus Christ and inspires us to do good. As a result of this lesson, students will identify important blessings they can receive through their study of the Book of Mormon, explain what they can do to draw closer to Jesus Christ, and plan how they can become more diligent learners.

Note: If possible, contact students who register for this course prior to their first day of class, and invite them to study the class preparation material for the first lesson before class. Ensure that all other students have a copy of the lesson 1 preparation material at the beginning of the first class. Use the preparation material during your class discussion so that students can see right from the start how it will help them prepare for class and enrich their experience during class.

Suggestions for Teaching

The Book of Mormon will change your life.

After welcoming students and getting to know them briefly, make sure that they have access to the class preparation material for this lesson. Then display and read the following statement from President Russell M. Nelson:

President Russell M. Nelson

Something powerful happens when a child of God seeks to know more about Him and His Beloved Son. Nowhere are those truths taught more clearly and powerfully than in the Book of Mormon. …

Immersing ourselves regularly in the truths of the Book of Mormon can be a life-changing experience. (“The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 61, 62)

  • What do you learn about the message of the Book of Mormon from President Nelson? (As students share, you may want to record truths similar to the following on the board: Studying the Book of Mormon will help me come to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It will change my life.)

Consider sharing your testimony of how the Book of Mormon has influenced your knowledge of and relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Invite students to review President Nelson’s testimony in section 1 of the preparation material and to share which of his statements about the Book of Mormon mean the most to them right now.

The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ.

Explain that the Book of Mormon was largely written by four main authors: Nephi, Jacob, Mormon, and Moroni. Display or hand out the following chart. Then invite students as a class or with partners to read the passages under “Experience” in the second column, looking for what qualified each writer to be a witness of Jesus Christ.

Main Authors of the Book of Mormon

Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material—Lesson 1






1. Nephi


2 Nephi 11:2


2 Nephi 25:26


2. Jacob


2 Nephi 11:3


Jacob 1:7–8


3. Mormon


Mormon 1:15


Mormon 3:20–22


4. Moroni


Ether 12:38–39


Ether 12:41

Main Authors of the Book of Mormon

teacher handout

After giving students sufficient time, invite them to share what they learned from these passages.

  • Imagine talking with someone who you knew had seen and spoken with Jesus Christ. Describe how you would listen to and respond to that person’s words. Knowing what you know about Nephi, Jacob, Mormon, and Moroni, how might you read and study the Book of Mormon differently from other books?

Ask students to silently read a passage of their choice from the third column of the chart, titled “Purpose,” and look for one or more reasons that writer recorded his message. After giving students sufficient time, invite them to share what they discovered.

Read 2 Nephi 33:10 together and identify how prophets’ words in the Book of Mormon can bless and change our lives.

  • What did you learn from Nephi about the purpose of his record? (Students may identify a truth similar to the following: The message of the Book of Mormon persuades us to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to do good.)

  • How has the Book of Mormon helped you to do good and believe in Jesus Christ?

Give students time to ponder how they might make their study of the Book of Mormon a more Christ-centered experience. You might invite a few students to share their thoughts.

The class preparation material promotes learning.

Improving Our Teaching and Learning

Trust your students’ preparation. Find ways to encourage students to study the class preparation material before class. Then draw upon their preparation during class. Doing so will inspire students to take greater responsibility for their own learning. During the course, provide students with opportunities to share how the preparation material is deepening their personal study of the Book of Mormon and elevating their experience in class.

Since this is the first class and many students may not have had a chance to study the preparation material prior to class, you may want to read section 3 of the class preparation material together and ask:

  • What did you discover about preparing for spiritual learning from the Savior’s invitation in 3 Nephi 17:3?

  • In what ways can we prepare our minds and hearts for learning in this class?

  • How can reading the preparation material, including the assigned Book of Mormon passages, before class increase your capacity to learn from each other and the Holy Ghost during class? (It may be helpful to invite students to notice how the invitations to study, ponder, record, or discuss found in the class preparation material can help them learn more deeply on their own and also improve their learning experience in class.)

Invite students to review or complete the “Record Your Thoughts” activity in section 3 of the preparation material.

Consider inviting students to complete the “Share with Your Teacher” activity near the end of the preparation material if they haven’t already.

As you conclude class, you or a student could testify of how coming prepared to learn together can bless all class members’ lives as you work together to become more like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

For Next Time

Explain that the next class will be about responding to prophetic counsel. Ask students what recent messages from prophets have been personally impactful for them. You could also ask them to consider any prophetic messages that might have been challenging for some people to accept. Invite students to consider these messages and their potential impact as they study the preparation material for the next class.