undefined undefined Lesson 14 Teacher Material: Becoming Instruments in the Hands of God
Lesson 14 Teacher Material: Becoming Instruments in the Hands of God

“Lesson 14 Teacher Material: Becoming Instruments in the Hands of God,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material (2021)

“Lesson 14 Teacher Material,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material

Lesson 14 Teacher Material

Becoming Instruments in the Hands of God

After the sons of Mosiah repented and were converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ, they became powerful missionaries and helped many Lamanites to come unto Him. This lesson will give students the opportunity to share how strengthening their own conversion can increase their desire to share the gospel with others. Students will consider what they can do to become more effective instruments in the hands of God as they gather Israel in preparation for the Lord’s Second Coming.

Suggestions for Teaching

Alma and the sons of Mosiah are converted and go to preach to the Lamanites.

Display the following statements. Ask students to silently rate themselves for each statement on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree).

  1. I desire to share the gospel with others.

  2. I pray for opportunities to share the gospel.

  3. Sharing the gospel is a normal and natural part of my life.

  4. I strive to be an effective instrument in the hands of God by sharing His gospel.

After students have had time to do this self-assessment, display the following question: What can I do to become a more effective instrument in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ? Invite students to listen for and record any promptings that can help them answer this question.

Remind students that the sons of Mosiah became instruments in the hands of God as they fasted and prayed for His Spirit and preached His gospel (see Alma 17:3, 9, 11; 26:3, 15). Invite students to read Mosiah 27:35–36 and Mosiah 28:1–3, looking for how the hearts of the sons of Mosiah changed after their conversion.

Improving Our Teaching and Learning

Ask questions that invite learning in the heart. When you observe that students understand a gospel principle in their minds, ask questions that can move the learning experience into their hearts. These types of questions allow students to search their own hearts, draw on their own experiences, and share their own testimonies. Such questions could take one of the following forms: “When have you experienced … ?” “How do you know … ?” or “How do you feel about … ?”

  • What did you notice about the desires of Mosiah’s sons? What can we learn from how their conversion influenced their desire to be instruments in the hands of God? (You may want to invite students to review the statement by President Dallin H. Oaks in section 1 of the preparation material. Using students’ answers, write on the board a principle similar to the following: As our conversion deepens, our desire and willingness to be an instrument in the hands of God and share the gospel increases.)

  • Why do you think deepening our conversion strengthens our desire to share the gospel? How could understanding this principle help us prepare for missions or be better at sharing the gospel in our daily lives?

  • What are some examples from the scriptures or Church history that demonstrate this principle? What experiences have helped you to know that this principle is true? (You may want to invite students to share their examples and personal experiences with a partner.)

Give students a few minutes to review the self-assessment they took and ponder the question that was introduced at the start of class. Consider inviting them to record the thoughts and feelings they have had during class.

The sons of Mosiah become instruments in the Lord’s hands.

Invite students to share any challenges they have faced as they have tried to share the gospel. (You may want to list their answers on the board and discuss how these challenges can prevent us from sharing the gospel.)

Write the following incomplete statement on the board: We can become more effective instruments in the hands of God as we …

Briefly review the challenges the sons of Mosiah faced as they began to preach the gospel among the Lamanites (see section 2 of the preparation material). Invite students to review Alma 17:2–3, 9–11, looking for what the sons of Mosiah did to overcome their challenges and become effective instruments in the hands of God.

  • Using what we have learned from the sons of Mosiah, how could we complete the statement on the board to form a principle? (Using students’ words, complete the statement so it forms a principle similar to the following: We can become more effective instruments in the hands of God as we pray, fast, and search the scriptures.)

Invite students to notice from Alma 17:2–3 what spiritual blessings came to these missionaries as they prayed, fasted, and searched the scriptures. (Help students identify another principle similar to the following: As we pray, fast, and search the scriptures, we can receive the spirit of revelation.)

  • How did the spirit of revelation help Ammon to be an effective instrument in the hands of God? (You may want to invite a student to briefly recount Ammon’s experience with King Lamoni and then read Alma 18:33–35.)

  • Why is it essential to have the spirit of revelation as we seek to be instruments in the hands of God?

  • How has the spirit of revelation helped you to be a more effective instrument in God’s hands?

Consider inviting a student to read the following statement by President Russell M. Nelson:

President Russell M. Nelson

When we seek to hear—truly hear—[Jesus Christ], we will be guided to know what to do in any circumstance. …

I renew my plea for you to do whatever it takes to increase your spiritual capacity to receive personal revelation. (“Hear Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 89, 90)

Invite students to review the statement by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf in section 3 of the preparation material and ponder the following questions:

  • Who could I invite to come closer to the Savior?

  • What could I do to be an instrument in the Lord’s hands to help those individuals come closer to Christ?

You may want to give students time to record their thoughts and feelings. You might also invite any willing students to share what they plan to do.

Point out that because of their preparation, the sons of Mosiah also received the spirit of prophecy and were able to teach with power and authority. (It may be helpful to explain that the phrase “spirit of prophecy” can refer to “the testimony of Jesus” [Revelation 19:10].) Assure students that we too can receive similar blessings as we prepare to be instruments in God’s hands.

Consider sharing your testimony that with the Lord’s help, each of us can be instruments in His hands and help gather Israel.

For Next Time

Ask students to consider how prepared they feel for Christ’s Second Coming. Explain that the next unit is about the Savior’s visit to the Nephites in the Americas. As students prepare for the next class, encourage them to look for what the events leading up to the Savior’s appearance to the Nephites can teach them about preparing for His return in the last days.