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Lesson 16 Class Preparation Material: Jesus Christ Ministers One by One

“Lesson 16 Class Preparation Material: Jesus Christ Ministers One by One,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material (2021)

“Lesson 16 Class Preparation Material,” Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Material

Lesson 16 Class Preparation Material

Jesus Christ Ministers One by One

One by One, by Walter Rane

The ministry of the resurrected Christ among the people in the land of Bountiful provides us with a powerful witness of Jesus Christ’s divinity and a profound example of how to minister to others. As you study this material, ponder what you can do to strengthen your witness that Jesus Christ is your Savior. As you reflect on how He ministered, prayerfully consider who might need to feel the Savior’s love through you.

Section 1

How can I strengthen my testimony that Jesus Christ is my Savior?

Following the great destruction and three days of darkness that signaled to the people that the Savior had died, about 2,500 men, women, and children gathered around the temple in the land of Bountiful. They heard a voice, which they at first did not understand. As they continued to listen, they understood that it was the voice of Heavenly Father introducing His Son, Jesus Christ. (See 3 Nephi 11:1–10.) The Savior then descended out of heaven and declared: “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world” (3 Nephi 11:10).

Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites, by Arnold Friberg

Of this moment, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said:

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

That appearance and that declaration constituted the focal point, the supreme moment, in the entire history of the Book of Mormon. It was the manifestation and the decree that had informed and inspired every Nephite prophet for the previous six hundred years. …

Everyone had talked of him, sung of him, dreamed of him, and prayed for his appearance—but here he actually was. The day of days! The God who turns every dark night into morning light had arrived. (Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of Mormon [1997], 250–51)

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Study in Preparation for Class

Read 3 Nephi 11:13–17, and look for what the people did to strengthen their testimonies that Jesus was the resurrected Christ.

Christ in the Land Bountiful, by Simon Dewey
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Ponder in Preparation for Class

What can you learn about the character of Jesus Christ from His interactions with the Nephites and Lamanites?

Elder Walter F. González of the Seventy taught the following about the people’s experience of witnessing the resurrected Christ:

Elder Walter F. González

“Come unto me, that ye might feel and see” [3 Nephi 18:25]. This was a commandment that the Savior extended to the inhabitants of ancient America. They felt with their hands and saw with their eyes that Jesus was the Christ. This commandment is just as important for us today as it was for them in their day. As we come unto Christ, we can feel and “know of a surety” [3 Nephi 11:15]—not with our hands and eyes but with all our heart and mind—that Jesus is the Christ.

One way to come unto Christ is by seeking to learn essential truths with our hearts. As we do so, impressions that come from God will give us knowledge that we cannot get by any other means. (“Learning with Our Hearts,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 81)

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Record Your Thoughts

As you reflect on your testimony of Jesus Christ, record in your personal journal an experience that has strengthened your testimony of Him. Or, instead, you could find a hymn that reflects how you feel about the Savior and record the feelings you have when you hear or sing this hymn.

Section 2

What can I learn about ministering from the Savior’s example?

After the Savior provided each individual a chance to feel the wounds in His hands and feet, He called twelve disciples and taught the multitude many important truths (see 3 Nephi 11–16). As Jesus prepared to leave, He said, “I perceive that … ye cannot understand all my words,” and He invited the people to return to their homes, ponder what He had taught them, and prepare themselves for His return the following day (3 Nephi 17:1–3).

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Study in Preparation for Class

Read 3 Nephi 17:5–10, and look for ways the Lord exemplified kindness and compassion as He ministered among the people.

After the Savior healed the multitude, He commanded that all “their little children should be brought” to Him (3 Nephi 17:11) and that everyone else should kneel. He then offered a prayer on their behalf that was “so great and marvelous” (verses 16–17) that the multitude was overcome with joy. (See 3 Nephi 17:10–19.)

Christ and the Book of Mormon Children, by Del Parson
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Study in Preparation for Class

Read 3 Nephi 17:19–24 or watch the video “My Joy Is Full” (4:04), and ponder why ministering brought the Savior joy.


My Joy is Full

Visual and music highlight this portrayal of the Savior's visit to the inhabitants of ancient America, providing a unique view of His caring, compassion, and love for His children.

President Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society General President, taught about the importance of following the Savior’s example as we minister:

President Jean B. Bingham

After all is said and done, true ministering is accomplished one by one with love as the motivation. The value and merit and wonder of sincere ministering is that it truly changes lives! When our hearts are open and willing to love and include, encourage and comfort, the power of our ministering will be irresistible. With love as the motivation, miracles will happen. …

The Savior is our example in everything—not only in what we should do but why we should do it [see Ephesians 5:2]. (“Ministering as the Savior Does,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 106)

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Ponder in Preparation for Class

Think of someone who might need your help. How can you follow the Savior’s example and show kindness and compassion to this individual?